All That's Left in the World Test | Final Test - Easy

Erik J. Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All That's Left in the World Test | Final Test - Easy

Erik J. Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the main legal problem in Fort Caroline?
(a) Sexual assault.
(b) Murder.
(c) There is no crime.
(d) Theft.

2. What do the boys postpone returning to the Fort Caroline leadership?
(a) Stipends.
(b) Questionnaires.
(c) Food coupons.
(d) Hair gel.

3. Who do the boys meet at the airport?
(a) Raven.
(b) Chris and his siblings.
(c) Howie.
(d) Walt.

4. What do the boys find that is just what they need in the summer heat?
(a) An ice cream shop.
(b) A river.
(c) An air fryer.
(d) An ocean.

5. What do the boys ask Cara to draw for them?
(a) A dog.
(b) A portrait.
(c) A route out of Fort Caroline.
(d) A cartoon.

6. Who was Jamie's last girlfriend?
(a) Cindy.
(b) Renee.
(c) Jennifer.
(d) Heather.

7. What does Jamie do to Cara when he first sees her?
(a) Tells her a joke.
(b) Trains his gun on her.
(c) Beats her.
(d) Sings to her.

8. How does Jamie make Harvey really nervous?
(a) He shouts loudly.
(b) He hums.
(c) He is completely silent.
(d) He gets very close to him while naked.

9. What does Jamie realize about his feelings with Andrew while they are at Marc Foster's house?
(a) They feel like anger.
(b) They feel like suspicion.
(c) They feel like hurt.
(d) They feel like love.

10. What does Henri advise Jamie to try to do more of?
(a) Trust people.
(b) Be suspicious.
(c) Be tough.
(d) Hate people.

11. What does Henri give the boys to take with them?
(a) Her grenade.
(b) Her wallet.
(c) Her gun.
(d) Her husband's multi-tool.

12. Why does Cara say she followed the boys out of Fort Caroline?
(a) She is gay.
(b) She loves Jamie.
(c) She does not belong there either.
(d) She loves Andrew.

13. What do the boys wait for to escape Fort Caroline?
(a) Nothing.
(b) The bird migration.
(c) Winter.
(d) Nightfall.

14. What did the Fosters try to steal from Andrew?
(a) Knives.
(b) Guns.
(c) Food.
(d) Money.

15. What do the boys think about but then decide against as they leave Fort Caroline?
(a) Finding a cat.
(b) Shooting people.
(c) Grilling some burgers.
(d) Asking Cara to join them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the boys notice about Cara?

2. How many girlfriends has Jamie had in his whole life?

3. What do the boys do together in the Fosters's yard?

4. Who does Jamie kill?

5. Why does Jamie kill the person he kills?

(see the answer keys)

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