All Over but the Shoutin' Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Bragg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All Over but the Shoutin' Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Bragg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened in 1991 that Rick got to experience that terrified him deeply?
(a) A murder in a grocery store.
(b) A young boy getting killed in an accident.
(c) A train wreck with many left dead.
(d) A riot in Miami.

2. Why did Susan Smith kill her two boys?
(a) She did not want to take care of them anymore.
(b) To keep a relationship with a rich man.
(c) She thought the world is too cruel for them.
(d) To keep them away from their father.

3. What kind of a leader was Papa Doc to Haiti?
(a) Cruel.
(b) Hopeful.
(c) Dictatorial.
(d) A savior.

4. What did Rick claim as the highlight of his stay in Tampa?
(a) A surfer named Topsy.
(b) A story about a chicken named Mopsy.
(c) A serial killer.
(d) The hurricanes.

5. What was Margaret's response when Rick told her that he got the Fellowship?
(a) "Does that mean you won't be visting me."
(b) "I knew you would honey."
(c) "Be sure to bring clean clothes."
(d) "Lord God, you'll freeze to death."

6. Rosario told Rick that he confronted the armed man in his store for what reason?
(a) Rosario knows the police won't help.
(b) Rosario has been robbed so many times that he just wants to shoot them.
(c) Rosario worries that the robber will shoot up the store.
(d) Rosario cannot trust that the robber will take the money without shooting him.

7. What did Sam wear to his grandmother's funeral?
(a) A formal suit.
(b) A shirt and tie.
(c) A suit jacket.
(d) Blue jeans and clean work boots.

8. How did Margaret react to her trip to New York City?
(a) She was too afraid to really experience it.
(b) All she wanted to do was to go home.
(c) She was thrilled and astonished.
(d) She was speechless.

9. How long had momma lived in the little house?
(a) Twenty years.
(b) Forty years.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Thirty years.

10. Why did Rick come to dislike Jimmy Carter?
(a) He ignored the Amercian soldiers in Haiti.
(b) He only sent funding to Haiti.
(c) He helps keep Aristide away from Haiti.
(d) He brokered peace with the despots of Haiti.

11. What did the eighty-seven year old Miss McCarty do with the money she saved over her lifetime?
(a) Gave it to the church to feed the poor.
(b) Gave it to the local police to protect the poor.
(c) Gave it to the local university for scholarships for the poor.
(d) Gave it to the Red Cross to help the poor.

12. What did Rick compare time lost to?
(a) A bad piece of fruit.
(b) A lost piece of jewelry.
(c) A quarter in an unlucky slot machine.
(d) A poor night's sleep.

13. What did Rick state as the reason that Mark was sober for the funeral?
(a) Mark grieved like good men do.
(b) Mark was trying to get sober for his mother.
(c) Mark didn't want his family to see him drunk.
(d) Mark did it out of respect for his grandmother.

14. What did the woman tell Rick who he met at a seminar at the end of the book?
(a) That from him she learned not to be ashamed of where she came from.
(b) That material items cannot fulfill dreams.
(c) That one must forget the past and move on.
(d) That she should not put on hold the nice things in life.

15. What was the wall in Brooklyn that Rick wrote about?
(a) A division between races.
(b) A tribute to those killed in the streets there.
(c) A tribute to the leaders of the gangs.
(d) A memorial to soldiers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Sam let Rick do when they finally went fishing?

2. What did Kovach tell Rick to answer the next time someone asks him where he learned how to write?

3. What did Sam ask from Rick in return for his staying behind in Alabama and Rick going out into the world?

4. What did Rick's new friends at Harvard teach him?

5. What became of Sam?

(see the answer keys)

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