All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Fulghum
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Fulghum
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What two things does Fulghum say he has and would stack up against a food processor any day?
(a) A wooden bowl and chipping knife.
(b) A pair of kitchen shears and a metal mixing bowl.
(c) A metal peeler and a ceramic dish.
(d) A butchers knife and a wooden block.

2. In the beginning of Chapter 9, Fulghum talks about seeing a man setting up a display in a store window. What holiday is the man setting up for?
(a) Valentine's Day.
(b) Thanksgiving.
(c) Easter.
(d) Christmas.

3. Fulghum's lawyer friend travels with his two eighteen-year-old girls and what kind of animal?
(a) A brown and white hamster.
(b) A black labrador retriever.
(c) A bearded dragon lizard.
(d) A boa constrictor.

4. In the story of San Saba, the men had come in search of treasure. Where was this treasure supposedly located?
(a) In the caves of the Comanche burying ground.
(b) In the San Saba river.
(c) In the hills of the Balcones Escarpment.
(d) Under the ground in an Apache establishment.

5. Fulghum says that no matter how old you are, when you go out in the world it is best to do what?
(a) Hold hands and stick together.
(b) Carry an umbrella.
(c) Look for rainbows.
(d) Have a friend who is close.

6. Fulghum states that inspiration for brevity came from a particular place. What was this place?
(a) The gasoline station.
(b) The barbershop.
(c) The grocery store.
(d) The local farmer's market.

7. Fulghum says that he's been know to shake his fist and yell at what?
(a) His car.
(b) Bad drivers.
(c) The sky.
(d) His dog.

8. Fulghum thinks it would be a better world if we all had cookies and milk at what time?
(a) Noon.
(b) Six o'clock in the evening.
(c) Ten o'clock in the morning.
(d) Three o'clock in the afternoon.

9. When Fulghum's washer and dryer quit working, where is the laundromat that he has to go to?
(a) In a strip mall by the grocery store.
(b) At the mall.
(c) By the library.
(d) Beside a local coffee shop.

10. Fulghum tells the reader that he visited San Saba to court a lady, but even after he and the lady were over he still went there for what reason?
(a) To eat a good home cooked meal.
(b) To work at a local store.
(c) To buy beer.
(d) To find peace and quiet.

11. In the story of the town of San Saba, Fulghum tells of something that is creating a big excitement in town. Who creates this excitement?
(a) The San Saba rodeo.
(b) The San Saba Armadillos High School basketball team.
(c) The San Saba glee club.
(d) The San Saba football club.

12. At the end of Chapter 4, Fulghum claims that words will do what?
(a) Break our hearts.
(b) Define who we are.
(c) Never explain feelings.
(d) Never hurt us.

13. What does Fulghum claim his next-door neighbor yelled at for most of an afternoon?
(a) A stepladder.
(b) His rain gutters.
(c) His horse.
(d) His garden hose.

14. In Chapter 5 about the abacus, Fulghum claims there are millions of people that still use the abacus. Where are these people located?
(a) Europe.
(b) South America.
(c) Asia.
(d) North America.

15. When Fulghum talks about folding the laundry, where does he state he takes the laundry to fold it?
(a) The dining room table.
(b) The family room floor.
(c) The top of the dryer.
(d) The master bedroom bed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color of tissue paper does the gummy lump box in Chapter 9 contain?

2. When Fulghum tells the story of Nicolai Pestretsov, how old does he say the sergeant major is?

3. What type of laundry detergent does Fulghum claim he uses?

4. In the gummy lump box, Fulghum can also see what scrawled in several places?

5. Charles Boyer sat by his wife's bedside to provide her with hope and cheer day and night for how long?

(see the answer keys)

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