All Good People Here Test | Final Test - Easy

Ashley Flowers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All Good People Here Test | Final Test - Easy

Ashley Flowers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Jace say was January's imaginary friend?
(a) Richard Rendry.
(b) Marco Polo.
(c) Michael Colace.
(d) "Elephant" Wallace.

2. What is one symptom of Luke's illness Margot notices more frequently?
(a) He sings louder.
(b) He has more pain.
(c) He forgets words.
(d) He has bouts of blindness.

3. Why does Jace write to Krissy in the first place?
(a) His girlfriend asked him to do it.
(b) He really wants to reconnect with his father through her.
(c) He is in a program and making amends is part of it.
(d) He loves her and wants to see her again.

4. What do Margot, Pete and Luke eat for dinner in Chapter Twenty-Three?
(a) Beef.
(b) Tacos.
(c) Pasta.
(d) Pizza.

5. Where does Margot think Jace might live now?
(a) South Bend.
(b) Chicago.
(c) Marples.
(d) Louisville.

6. What does Krissy order in Chapter Twenty-One when she goes to a bar in South Bend?
(a) Whisky.
(b) Gin and tonic.
(c) Beer.
(d) Pinto Grigio.

7. In Chapter Twenty-Three, what has Luke done?
(a) Hurt a dog.
(b) Shot himself.
(c) Taken the whole kitchen apart.
(d) Cut himself.

8. In Chapter Nineteen, where does Jace work?
(a) A painting outlet.
(b) A coffee shop.
(c) A museum.
(d) An ice cream parlor.

9. When do people begin abandoning Krissy in Wakarusa?
(a) After Billy dies.
(b) After the Sandy Watters interview.
(c) After she stops going to church.
(d) After Jace dies.

10. What does Luke throw against the wall in Chapter Seventeen?
(a) A book.
(b) A violin.
(c) A vase.
(d) A bottle of beer.

11. Who stops by in Chapter Twenty-Three and ends up helping clean?
(a) Billy.
(b) Pete.
(c) Jodie.
(d) Fred.

12. Which friend of Krissy's and Billy's had the most contact with them for the longest time after high school?
(a) Robert.
(b) Michael.
(c) Dave.
(d) Kevin.

13. What does Jace do one day when he is jealous of January after her dance recital?
(a) Tries to run January over.
(b) Cuts January's hair.
(c) Pushes January over.
(d) Cuts January arm.

14. Who is Elliott's sister?
(a) Riki Wallace.
(b) Annabelle Wallace.
(c) Angela Wallace.
(d) Sabrina Wallace.

15. Whose murder was Elliot once loosely connected with?
(a) Ellie's.
(b) Natalie's.
(c) Polly's.
(d) Richard's.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Twenty-Six, who finds Elliott's sister for Margot?

2. What does Jace say he threw down the stairs in the basement the night January died?

3. What hotel do Krissy and Billy stay at the night January's body is found?

4. In Chapter Twenty-Five, what does Krissy tell Jodie she has never told anyone before?

5. What does Jace's old friend tell Margot Jace was like?

(see the answer keys)

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