All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who helped Julian Mayfield eat sausages he received from America?
(a) Guy and his college friends.
(b) Maya and her roommates.
(c) Sheikhali and his assistants.
(d) Nana and his children.

2. What does Sheikhali say to Maya regarding her intelligence?
(a) She is infinitely smarter than him.
(b) He is in tremendous awe of her vast wealth of knowledge.
(c) She is book smart.
(d) She reads too many books.

3. What is Dunkwa?
(a) A regional dialect.
(b) Traditional rice and vegetable dish.
(c) Small village Maya visits.
(d) Maya's name in Fanti.

4. After living in Ghana for a time, why does Maya feel she needs to take a vacation away from this nation?
(a) To clear her head.
(b) To try new foods.
(c) To get away from Sheikhali.
(d) To see other parts of Africa.

5. Who is Mamali?
(a) Guy's professor.
(b) Sheikhali's assistant.
(c) Efua's friend.
(d) Maya's mentor.

6. After Maya's disagreement with Guy regarding his girlfriend, she realizes that she must:
(a) Give him an ultimatum.
(b) Give him space.
(c) Use reverse psychology.
(d) Talk to the girlfriend.

7. How is Maya treated when she visits a small African village?
(a) The villagers stare at her with open, unabashed curiosity.
(b) She is welcomed warmly and shown much hospitality.
(c) The villagers are wary of her and keep their distance.
(d) She is given many chores to do to pay for her meals.

8. How does Maya feel after helping to deliver a written protest to the first secretary of the embassy?
(a) Exhausted.
(b) Elated.
(c) Victorious.
(d) Frightened.

9. When Maya takes a trip into the bush and meets with a tribal leader, where does the man think Maya is from?
(a) Canada.
(b) Nigeria.
(c) Liberia.
(d) Haiti.

10. When it is Torvash's turn to tell a story, he talks about a German officer who had a:
(a) Wooden leg.
(b) Glass eye.
(c) Silver cane.
(d) Gold pocket watch.

11. In Accra, Malcolm X speaks of his falling out with:
(a) John F. Kennedy.
(b) Elijah Muhammad.
(c) Martin Luther King.
(d) Muhammad Ali.

12. Who joins the event organized by the Revolutionist Returnees in Ghana to be held during Martin Luther King's march in Washington DC?
(a) Dignitaries, ambassadors, professors, and Ghana's president.
(b) Chinese, Australian, Brazilian, and Haitian immigrants.
(c) Families, groups of preschoolers, and newlyweds.
(d) Farmers, teachers, volunteers, college students, and vacationers.

13. Who are some of the actors Maya works with in Europe?
(a) James Earl Jones.
(b) Cecily Tyson.
(c) Louis Gosset Jr.
(d) All of them.

14. What did the Revolutionist Returnees plan in conjunction with Martin Luther King's march in Washington DC?
(a) Their own march to the American Embassy.
(b) A television party at Nana Nketsia's home to watch the march.
(c) A 24-hour prayer vigil to help protect Martin Luther King.
(d) A candlelight peace vigil outside Maya's house.

15. When Dieter asks Maya to buy artwork for him in Ghana, she:
(a) Laughs sarcastically.
(b) Says she'll think about it.
(c) Refuses.
(d) Agrees.

Short Answer Questions

1. What story does Maya share at Dieter's house?

2. When Malcolm X speaks in Accra, what does he say has changed in his attitude towards whites?

3. Upon his request, what does Maya sing to the Liberian president?

4. What does Malcolm X say when he notices that Maya is upset?

5. What does Malcolm X say when asked why he came to Ghana?

(see the answer keys)

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