All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Maya and her friends talk with a couple who have just arrived from the United States, what do they tell the couple?
(a) The food in Ghana is terrible.
(b) Ghanaian cuisine is the best food they've ever had.
(c) Life in Ghana is easy.
(d) Life in Ghana is hard.

2. What article is Maya asked to write when she looks for journalism work in Africa?
(a) American Cuisine.
(b) African Heritage.
(c) Reflections of Africa.
(d) America Today.

3. Maya decides to help Kojo with what?
(a) Homework.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Social skills.
(d) Photo developing.

4. What does Sheikhali want Maya to do for his children?
(a) Walk them to and from school.
(b) Teach them French and English.
(c) Babysit them while he goes to Egypt.
(d) Take them on a trip to the United States.

5. At the start of the story, what is Maya's predominant feeling about what happens to her son?
(a) Anger.
(b) Confusion.
(c) Disappointment.
(d) Elation.

6. Where does Maya move to with her friends Alice and Vicki?
(a) Twelfth story of a high-rise.
(b) City a hundred miles away.
(c) Neighboring quiet village.
(d) Three-bedroom bungalow.

7. When Maya goes into the Senior Common Room during a break one morning, she hears a group of professors and others discussing what?
(a) The Vietnam War.
(b) Civil Rights Movement in the U.S.
(c) Apartheid in South Africa.
(d) The race between nations to reach the moon first.

8. What is Maya's son's name?
(a) Guy.
(b) Robert.
(c) Jerome.
(d) Al.

9. Maya meets Efua Sutherland, who is head of what?
(a) Kenya's Volunteer Corps.
(b) Rwanda's Red Cross.
(c) Cameroon's Art Association.
(d) Ghana's National Theatre.

10. While watching dancers at the festival in Aburi, what does Maya notice?
(a) She finds a large man across the room to be attractive.
(b) Her friend Efua is an amazing dancer.
(c) She wore the wrong shoes.
(d) Everyone is wearing something green.

11. What happens to Maya's son early in the story?
(a) He wins a national writing contest.
(b) He is seriously hurt in a car accident.
(c) He is mistaken for a revolutionary rebel.
(d) He is swept to sea and nearly drowns.

12. What else does Professor J.H. Nketia help Maya with?
(a) Running a campaign.
(b) Finding a car.
(c) Contacting the president.
(d) Learning the language.

13. Who is Grace Nuamah?
(a) Dance teacher.
(b) Head cook.
(c) Fante teacher.
(d) Head custodian.

14. In Aburi, Maya and her friend watch a parade where Maya especially enjoys what?
(a) Beating drums.
(b) Spanish guitars.
(c) Australian didgeridoos.
(d) Blaring horns.

15. Efua takes Maya to Aburi, a town near Accra, for what?
(a) Graduation ceremony.
(b) Baby naming ceremony.
(c) Thanksgiving feast.
(d) Birthday party.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Maya describe T.D. Bafoo and his wife as a couple?

2. In the Senior Common Room discussion Maya walks into, she hears an Englishman and a Ghanaian speaking rudely about what?

3. Following what happens to Maya's son, Efua Sutherland gives her permission to what?

4. Why has Kojo's family come from Akwapim to speak with Maya?

5. Maya Angelou is a world-renowned:

(see the answer keys)

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