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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. The Copfield farm is known for what?
2. In chapter 37, Herriot does surgery on a dog that has what problem?
3. What kind of animal does Terry Watson own and Herriot treats?
4. What is Herriot doing when he first meets Dr. Farnon?
5. What is wrong with the first horse Herriot helps treat?
Short Essay Questions
1. What happens in chapter 31 that helps to show Herriot's human side?
2. Briefly describe Angus Grier.
3. How does Herriot help Ticki Woo in chapter 30.
4. What trait do you think is revealed about Dr. Farnon in chapter 27. Briefly explain your answer.
5. In chapter 21, Tristan is given a very tough assignment. What is the task and what do you think it says about Dr. Farnon?
6. What unpleasant task does Herriot deal with in chapter 25?
7. Briefly explain the compelling episode with the farmer named Watson.
8. Ticki Woo shows up in chapter 13 and reappears later in the book. Why do you think Herriot includes accounts of Ticki Woo and its owner?
9. The book shares a lot of difficult stories about caring for animals in distress. Chapter 9 focuses on another aspect of this veterinary practice, what is this chapter's focus?
10. How do the events in chapter 37 reflect Dr. Farnon's lack of consistentcy?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Herriot shows much knowledge of veterinary medicine, as well as much intuition throughout the book. Which do you think is more important to his practice? Explain your choice.
Essay Topic 2
In one chapter, Herriot has to put down an older lady's dog. Herriot calms her fears by talking with her about the afterlife of animals. What does he tell her that gives her some comfort? Do you agree with his statements? Whether or not you believe animals have souls, do you think it is right for humans to end the lives of animals? Is it never appropriate? Always appropriate? Or does it depend upon the circumstances?
Essay Topic 3
Through out the book, Herriot shows an uncanny ability to diagnose problems with animals. List several examples of this ability. He also has at least one instance when he makes a wrong diagnosis; summarize this occurrence, then explain some of the difficulties a vet faces in deciding what is wrong with an animal.
This section contains 1,019 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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