All Creatures Great and Small Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All Creatures Great and Small Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What illness does Dan Cooper's cow have?
(a) milk fever
(b) foundering
(c) can't deliver a calf
(d) mastitis

2. Who has been taking money from the petty cash box?
(a) Dr. Farnon
(b) Tristan
(c) Miss Harbottle
(d) Herriot

3. Who is Miss Harbottle?
(a) one of Dr. Farnon's followers
(b) a new client
(c) Tristan's girlfriend
(d) a new accountant

4. Who is ill in this chapter?
(a) Tristan
(b) Ticki Woo
(c) Angus Grier
(d) Herriot

5. Where does the dog spend the night?
(a) outside on the porch
(b) in Tristan's room
(c) in front of the fire
(d) in Herriot's room

6. Dr. Farnon wants the practice to be more professional so he breaks out what new item?
(a) new surgery instruments
(b) a new operating table
(c) a new car
(d) a new white coat

7. In chapter 37, Herriot does surgery on a dog that has what problem?
(a) it has been in a fight
(b) it needs to be castrated
(c) a rubber ball in its stomach
(d) a tumor

8. Herriot and Grier are both of what ancestry?
(a) they are both Scots
(b) they are both French
(c) they are both from Wales
(d) they are both Irish

9. What treatment does Herriot recommend and finally carry out?
(a) he sits up with the horse until the colic passes
(b) he gives the horse a painkilling shot
(c) he puts the horse down
(d) he rubs down the horse with marshmellow ointment

10. In chapter 24, there is another problem between what two characters?
(a) Tristan and Herriot
(b) Tristan and Dr. Farnon
(c) Dr. Farnon and Herriot
(d) Dr. Farnon and Miss Harbottle

11. What has just happened in Tristan's life?
(a) he has just failed his veterinarian exams.
(b) he has just been diagnosed with a terminal illness
(c) he has just gotten out of jail
(d) he has just left his wife

12. When Mrs. Pumphrey calls again about Nugent, what problem does she say he has?
(a) he will not eat
(b) milk fever
(c) he has become to agressive
(d) excessive urination

13. Herriot is injured while trying to operate on what kind of animal?
(a) a stallion
(b) a ram
(c) a boar hog
(d) a bull

14. What is wrong with the first horse Herriot helps treat?
(a) it is foundered
(b) mastitis
(c) a sore hoof
(d) it has a sore mouth

15. This animal has a number of health issues, many are caused by what?
(a) Mrs. Pumphrey is too old to care for her animal
(b) Mrs. Pumphrey pampers her animal too much
(c) Mrs. Pumphrey is poor
(d) Mrs. Pumphrey is ill

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mrs. Mallard say is wrong with her dog?

2. Why does Miss Harbottle come to the vet's office?

3. What problem do the six steers have in this chapter?

4. A farmer wants Herriot to diagnose that his cow has died of what?

5. What is the central issue that Dr. Farnon raises in this confrontation?

(see the answer keys)

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