All But My Life Test | Final Test - Easy

Gerda Weissmann Klein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All But My Life Test | Final Test - Easy

Gerda Weissmann Klein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Abek give up to be closer to Gerda?
(a) A clerk in the accounting section.
(b) A job of portrait painting at a nearby camp.
(c) Hospital attendant.
(d) Accountant.

2. As planes fly over them, what is the general feeling among all the girls at the camp?
(a) They will soon be killed by the guards.
(b) That they will be shot down.
(c) The Americans are coming to release them.
(d) Hope because their misery will be over.

3. What kinds of letters does Gerda get from Abek?
(a) Letters expressing anger.
(b) Romantic feelings.
(c) Letter of remorse for his family.
(d) Sad, depressing letters.

4. Why is Gerda in despair at the end of Chapter 4?
(a) She thinks Abek is dead.
(b) Her letter to her father in returned unopened.
(c) She has not heard from her mother.
(d) Ilse has died.

5. While the Germans lose ground on the Eastern Front, what halts at the camp?
(a) Clothing production.
(b) Stamp production.
(c) The gas chambers are turned off.
(d) Construction.

6. What does Kurt wish for Gerda's future?
(a) For her to live a happy and healthy life.
(b) She move back home and start over.
(c) She find her family and reunite with them.
(d) He wants to marry her and live in America.

7. What sacrifice does Gerda make to be with the sick Ilse?
(a) Begs an SS guard for help getting Ilse to the sick car.
(b) She cannot go with Ilse because she will be killed.
(c) She takes care of her friend.
(d) She rides in the sick wagon.

8. What happens to girls that lag behind?
(a) The guards use cars to drag their dead bodies.
(b) They are beaten; if they don't move they are shot.
(c) The Germans leave them alone.
(d) They are left for dead.

9. What is Gerda now resigned to?
(a) Marrying Abek even though she does not love him.
(b) Never having children.
(c) Spending time with Abek.
(d) Dying in the camp.

10. The women pass many German cities and finally arrive at _________.
(a) Flossenbürg.
(b) Camp Helmbrechts.
(c) Sachsenhausen.
(d) Dachau.

11. What kind of hope does Frau Kugler give Gerda?
(a) The hope that not all Germans are cruel.
(b) That the war will end soon.
(c) That she will see Gerda again.
(d) That other Germans will be kind to her.

12. How does Gerda say goodbye to Abek?
(a) Through a note.
(b) Over the phone.
(c) She never gets to say goodbye to him.
(d) She goes to see him.

13. What do the girls eat to stay alive as they sleep outside of the church?
(a) Water.
(b) Nothing. They starve.
(c) Other dead bodies.
(d) Snow.

14. Why does Mrs Berger slap one of the girls?
(a) To enjoy violence.
(b) To establish her authority among the lower ranked Jewish women.
(c) To prove herself to the Germans.
(d) She never slaps anyone.

15. At this point, as they march through the snow, what is the collective thought among the girls as the days pass by?
(a) They will all soon be dead.
(b) They will soon be free.
(c) There is no return to a normal life.
(d) The guards will slowly kill them all.

Short Answer Questions

1. On the walk, Gerda is called out by a guard. Gerda thinks she will be shot, but what must she really do?

2. By 1943, how long has it been since the Germans invaded Poland?

3. As time goes by, Abek's state of mind is _____________.

4. What is Malvine Berger's role in the camp?

5. What are the rumors surrounding the male SS guards?

(see the answer keys)

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