All But My Life Character Descriptions

Gerda Weissmann Klein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All But My Life Character Descriptions

Gerda Weissmann Klein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Gerda Weissmann Klein

This person is the author of the story, ALL BUT MY LIFE. She grows up during the Nazi occupation of Poland. Although she is sent to many concentration camps, and is beaten and malnourished, she survives and becomes an author and lecturer.

Kurt Klein

This person is a young Jewish American soldier who is there when Gerda is liberated. He immediately falls in love with her and visits Gerda whenever possible. He proposes to her and they move to the United States together.

Julius Weissman

This character is a part-owner of a fur factory in Bielitz. He is in very ill health when the German invasion begins.

Helene Weissmann

This character is very close to Gerda. When her husband is taken away, she and Gerda stay together until she is forced to go to a death camp.

Arthur Weissmann

This character is four years older...

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