Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who takes the lead on the expedition?
(a) Strauch.
(b) Canessa.
(c) Parrado.
(d) Suarez.

2. What do the survivors discover when listening to the radio?
(a) The search has begun again.
(b) The search has, once again, been cancelled.
(c) A cross has been found.
(d) Two of the Fairchild's passengers have walked out of the Andes.

3. On whom does Parrado focus?
(a) His father.
(b) God.
(c) His mother.
(d) His girlfriend.

4. When the survivors hear rumbling, what do they believe it is?
(a) Another avalanche.
(b) A bear.
(c) A rescue helicopter.
(d) An earthquake.

5. What does the transistor radio say has been found?
(a) Hikers.
(b) A cross in the snow.
(c) A plane.
(d) A geological site.

6. Where is a cross discovered?
(a) Santa Elena mountain.
(b) Santa Helena mountain.
(c) Santa Maria mountain.
(d) Santa Lucia mountain.

7. Why do the boys not kill the cow?
(a) They are not hungry.
(b) They do not know how to kill the cow.
(c) They are looking for help, not enemies.
(d) They do not want to eat beef.

8. How close is it to Christmas?
(a) One week.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) One month.
(d) One day.

9. What is the real reason Paez Vilaro is detained?
(a) They will not let him fly without his passport.
(b) They need to find a copy of his ticket.
(c) They had found the boys hiking and the location of the plane.
(d) They do not want the puppy on the plane.

10. What do Harley and Nicolich do when they hear the news?
(a) They continue home.
(b) They cannot decide what to do.
(c) They catch a flight to Santiago.
(d) They reverse direction.

11. What do the survivors believe this find to be?
(a) Their men.
(b) Their cross made of luggage.
(c) Their plane.
(d) The geophysicists' cross.

12. Why are this many people rescued first?
(a) To anger the other survivors.
(b) To prepare the others for the flight later in the day.
(c) To care for them without incurring any undue danger.
(d) To advertise this extraordinary rescue.

13. What news is given to Dr. Canessa?
(a) His son has not survived.
(b) There is no news about his son.
(c) His son is one of the survivors.
(d) He will not see his son for several weeks.

14. What is one of the men's concerns?
(a) The rescue crew will not be able to find them.
(b) The survivors will not last the night.
(c) The hikers will not be found.
(d) Another avalanche.

15. What signs of life do the hikers come across?
(a) A fence, blanket, boot, and fork.
(b) A magazine, cart, saddle, and soap.
(c) A cup, plate, rope, and shoe.
(d) An empty soup can, cow dung, and a horseshoe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes across the two hikers?

2. How do the survivors feel when Vizintin comes sliding back to camp?

3. Why does Paez Vilaro think he gets detained by the international police?

4. How far are Canessa and Parrado from the nearest town called San Fernando?

5. It had taken Parrado and Canessa ten days to reach the cattle post, and it took the helicopters how long to get to the plane?

(see the answer keys)

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