Alicia Test | Final Test - Medium

Alicia Appleman-Jurman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alicia Test | Final Test - Medium

Alicia Appleman-Jurman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While on their outing, why are they arrested by two Russian officers?
(a) Because they are caught stealing from the marketplace.
(b) They were transporting people illegally.
(c) They disrespect two officers.
(d) Because of Bronia's involvement in the black market.

2. What rumors began to circulate around Poland in March?
(a) The Germans are winning the war.
(b) Soon the Germans will just let Jews go to Israel.
(c) The Germans are being beaten by the Americans.
(d) That the Germans are being defeated by the Russians.

3. What causes Alicia to become reunited with her mother's cousin?
(a) A bad cold.
(b) A bout of dysentery.
(c) A broken ankle.
(d) A toothache.

4. As this section continues on, what does Alicia realize about the Poles?
(a) They are being punished for their inaction during the war.
(b) Just like the Germans, no one wants the Jews around.
(c) She wishes she was not Jewish.
(d) They are cruel people.

5. For so long, what has Alicia been forced to endure concerning her sleeping quarters?
(a) Overly cramped houses and rooms.
(b) She was forced to sleep on the floor.
(c) Having nowhere to sleep.
(d) Having to stay hidden while she sleeps.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Alicia's only joy that winter?

2. What must she admit to the Ukrainians who find her hide out?

3. Who does Alicia "adopt" and spend a large amount of time with?

4. Who led the transports while Alicia is being trained to be a transporter?

5. Where does Alicia end up after leaving her home village?

Short Essay Questions

1. How have the Ukrainians made life for the Jews and Poles very difficult.

2. How does Alicia escape?

3. How is mother killed?

4. What is the very difficult practice that Alicia must endure to ensure food for not only her and her mother, but also the others living with the beekeeper?

5. While hanging out with her new friends, what happens to Alicia?

6. After she finds Bella, what does Alicia decide to do with her life?

7. How does Alicia work to help Mrs. Taub's son?

8. Why is Alicia so upset about this final transport?

9. How does Alicia take the news that Milek has died?

10. Why do Alicia and Peppa travel to Breslau?

(see the answer keys)

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