Alicia Test | Final Test - Easy

Alicia Appleman-Jurman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alicia Test | Final Test - Easy

Alicia Appleman-Jurman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How are they eventually released?
(a) A Ukrainian organization takes up their cause and gets them released.
(b) They bribe the Ukrainian officials into releasing them.
(c) Bronia's brother collects 40,000 rubles for their release.
(d) Because the prison is liberated.

2. How was Benjamin injured?
(a) He was shot in the arm.
(b) A bomb exploded in his bunker.
(c) Shot in the leg.
(d) A land mine blew his leg off.

3. Who else does Alicia try to send a gift to?
(a) Only Manka.
(b) Manka and her family.
(c) Mikel's family.
(d) Danny and Bella.

4. Who else was involved in the black market?
(a) The Blieners.
(b) Bella.
(c) Dora.
(d) Alicia.

5. How old is Benjamin when he and Alicia begin to visit one another?
(a) 27.
(b) 16.
(c) 13.
(d) 21.

6. What did Sophie want Alicia to give up?
(a) Her dreams of moving to America.
(b) Her work with the Brecha.
(c) Her dreams of moving to Israel.
(d) Her work with the orphans.

7. While going to Ukrainian villages, who does Alicia find and what does he tell her about?
(a) A Jewish banker that knew her father.
(b) A Jewish salesman that hired her brother for a summer.
(c) One of her childhood friends has news of her youngest brother.
(d) A Jewish tailor who tells her of the massacre of Jewish men.

8. Once Alicia is allowed to return to Buczacz, what is her health like?
(a) Her health is much improved.
(b) She is incredibly depressed, but not sick.
(c) She is extremely sick.
(d) It is rapidly deteriorating.

9. What type of relationship do Sophie and Alicia have?
(a) A sisterly relationship.
(b) Sophie is like an aunt to Alicia.
(c) A close friendship.
(d) A mother-daughter type relationship.

10. What have some of the Jewish men created in Poland?
(a) Their own town for the Jews to hide in.
(b) A way to get to Israel without getting caught.
(c) Resistance forces.
(d) Their own army.

11. Who does Alicia "adopt" and spend a large amount of time with?
(a) Milek.
(b) Danny, Bella's son.
(c) Benjamin.
(d) Rachel.

12. After the liberation of Buczacz who decides to return?
(a) Alicia, her mother, and two other Jewish families.
(b) The Jewish families that live with the beekeeper but not Alicia.
(c) Alicia decides to stay with the beekeeper.
(d) Only Alicia wants to return.

13. While working with the orphans and Mr. Sharf, who does Alicia meet?
(a) Sophie.
(b) Avi and Jacob.
(c) Ursula and Brenna.
(d) The organizers of the Brecha.

14. How does Kola's family reward Alicia for rescuing the Russians?
(a) Transportation, gifts, and money.
(b) Transportation.
(c) Gifts and money.
(d) Money.

15. Where does Alicia end up after leaving her home village?
(a) Kiev.
(b) Dnipropetrovsk.
(c) Kharkiv.
(d) Chortkov.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Alicia given thousands of rubles?

2. Who does she meet in the marketplace?

3. What does Manka reveal to Alicia?

4. As this section continues on, what does Alicia realize about the Poles?

5. What does Alicia realize when she arrives at her father's factory?

(see the answer keys)

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