Alexander of Macedon, 356-323 B.C.: A Historical Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter Green
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alexander of Macedon, 356-323 B.C.: A Historical Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter Green
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Philip interested in the region of Mt. Pangaeus?
(a) He believed the legendary Fountain of Youth was located there.
(b) He wished to mine for gold and silver.
(c) He wished to conquer the citizens there because of their disrespect.
(d) He wished to establish a military fort there.

2. What was the ultimate result of the uprising of Thebes in 335 BC?
(a) Thebes' brokered a peace and became part of Alexander's kingdom.
(b) Thebes' citizens were massacred, but the city was left as a fortress.
(c) The city was burned to the ground, but Alexander spared all its citizens.
(d) Thebes' citizens were massacred and the city was burned to the ground.

3. What was the name of the capital of Macedonia?
(a) Pella.
(b) Lampsacus.
(c) Mieta.
(d) Athens.

4. Which of the following BEST describes the final strategy Alexander used to enter Tyre?
(a) He cast dead bodies over the walls, spreading contagion and forcing surrender.
(b) He starved its citizens into submission.
(c) He used the front of a ship as a battering ram.
(d) He forced Tyrian ships to a north harbor, and breached the city wall from the south.

5. In Persia's efforts to capture Sidon, whom did Philip support?
(a) The Athenians.
(b) The Egyptians.
(c) The Spartans.
(d) The Assyrians.

6. In what year was the battle of Pelium fought?
(a) 335 BC.
(b) 320 BC.
(c) 480 BC.
(d) 128 AD.

7. What occurred in the siege of Halicarnassus?
(a) Alexander took the city from the Persians, but the Persians set fire to most of the city.
(b) The Persians took the city from Alexander, but Alexander had the city burned.
(c) The Persians were defeated, but they scored an important victory in destroying Alexander's naval power.
(d) Alexander was triumphant, killing Memnon and ending his Persian campaign.

8. How did Alexander deal with the Gordian Knot?
(a) He painstakingly unraveled it.
(b) He cut it in half with a sword.
(c) He was unable to untie the knot, in the end.
(d) He attached horses to either end and had them run in opposite directions.

9. How did the Persian empire prepare for a planned invasion of the Greek mainland around 334 BC?
(a) Darius fired Memnon in order to personally lead the troops.
(b) Memnon captured Athens to use as a base of operations.
(c) Memnon began capturing islands off the coast.
(d) Darius married Ada to force a political/military alliance.

10. Why was the Persian invasion of Greece called off?
(a) Memnon died unexpectedly.
(b) A great earthquake was taken as a sign to call off the invasion.
(c) Darius ran out of money.
(d) Alexander soundly defeated Memnon in Phoenicia.

11. What was different between the way Alexander handled Miletus versus Thebes?
(a) Unlike Thebes, Alexander skipped Miletus over and did not enter it.
(b) Unlike Thebes, Alexander spared the people of Miletus.
(c) Unlike Miletus, Alexander skipped Thebes over and did not enter it.
(d) Unlike Miletus, Alexander spared the people of Thebes.

12. Who did Alexander send to Damascus for the Persian royal treasure?
(a) Ada.
(b) Hephaestion.
(c) Memnon.
(d) Parmenio.

13. Which city refused to help Tyre in Alexander's siege?
(a) Carthage.
(b) Pelium.
(c) Sidon.
(d) Sparta.

14. In 335 BC, who commanded Persian military forces?
(a) Memnon of Rhodes.
(b) Demosthenes.
(c) Xerxes I.
(d) Parmenio.

15. Where did Darius offer a settlement to Alexander after the battle of Issus?
(a) Babylon.
(b) Marathos.
(c) Sidon.
(d) Tyre.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was Alexander the Great born?

2. What military strategy did Philip innovate in his battle with the Illyrians?

3. How many years did Alexander study with Aristotle?

4. How many troops did Alexander capture and enslave in the battle of Granicus River?

5. In which year did the Persians capture Sidon from the Greeks?

(see the answer keys)

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