Albert Einstein Test | Final Test - Medium

Elma Ehrlich Levinger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Albert Einstein Test | Final Test - Medium

Elma Ehrlich Levinger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Einstein agree to write to the President to discuss the atomic bomb?
(a) He can't refuse to help his friends.
(b) He knows the Nazis eventually build an atom bomb.
(c) He doesn't think it can be done anyway.
(d) He hopes to be rewarded by the President.

2. Besides the honor of the award in Chapter Ten, Einstein also receives what?
(a) International acclaim.
(b) Forty thousand dollars.
(c) New professorship.
(d) Research grant.

3. Einstein resigns from the Commission for the Co-operation of Intellectuals after a year because he realizes what about the organization?
(a) They are only interesting in the smaller countries.
(b) They are only interested in stopping Communism.
(c) They are only interested in helping the powerful members.
(d) They are only interested in making money.

4. In what year does Einstein die?
(a) 1943.
(b) 1922.
(c) 1955.
(d) 1975.

5. What is Mrs. Einstein's role in her husband's new fame?
(a) She tries to keep visitors and letters manageable.
(b) She dislikes the whole mess and usually stays in her room.
(c) She plays hostess to all their visitors.
(d) She is disgusted that he is not more interested in his fans.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Einstein grows older, he discovers that he enjoys a new hobby. What is it?

2. During Chapter Eight, Einstein tells his wife to pack as he intends to travel to which country?

3. Einstein has a medical issue in Chapter Ten. While in Switzerland, he has a ___________.

4. How long does it take Einstein to become a US citizen?

5. In Chapter Fourteen, some of Einstein's colleagues ask him to set up a meeting with ________ to discuss their work on the atom bomb.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Einstein so enthused to meet Dr. Albert Michelson in California?

2. Describe Einstein's attempts to help those less fortunate refugees in Chapter Thirteen.

3. Why does Einstein finally decide to settle in America?

4. With what group of critics does Einstein grow angry in Chapter Eight, and why?

5. Why is Hitler's persecution of Einstein as a Jew ironic? Explain.

6. What reason does Einstein give for wishing to cooperate particularly with American scientists?

7. Explain the approach Einstein wants the U.S. to take in regards to the atomic bomb after its creation.

8. What does Einstein's behavior after Elsa's death in Chapter Thirteen tell the reader about him? Is he insensitive?

9. Why is Elsa Einstein unhappy in Jerusalem? Explain.

10. Why is Einstein happier at Princeton University than he is at previous appointments?

(see the answer keys)

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