Alaska Test | Final Test - Medium

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Alaska Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 90 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Ross decide to get rid of the workers?
(a) They were threatening to overthrow him.
(b) One was murdered.
(c) They were lazy.
(d) They talked too much.

2. What is cabotage?
(a) When a ship that delivered to a port could not take on cargo and passengers.
(b) When a ship delivered too much cargo at a port.
(c) When a ship had too many vegetables so they rotted.
(d) When a ship lacked a good supply of vegetables.

3. What did Tom do after his mother moved in with John Klope?
(a) He went panning for gold.
(b) He opened a branch of a general store.
(c) He set off for the mines.
(d) He ran away.

4. What did Kendra Scott do in Desolation Point?
(a) Flew airplanes.
(b) Delivered mail.
(c) Waitressed.
(d) Taught.

5. Where was Carmack's field located?
(a) Bonanza.
(b) Klondike.
(c) Talak.
(d) Yucutan.

Short Answer Questions

1. What frequently happened in the hospital tent?

2. What was used as food for the population?

3. What did the lobbyist favor?

4. Where did Tom Venn open a Ross and Raglan store in 1902?

5. Where did Missy work?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did the cannery affect the salmon population?

2. What effect did the Great Depression have on Alaska?

3. What was Tom's romantic situation like in the latter part of Chapter 10?

4. How did Tom, Missy, and Tammy feel about the statehood of Alaska?

5. How did LeRoy's investment benefit him?

6. How did the Flatch family contribute to the war effort?

7. What was the political system like in Chapter 9?

8. What were some of the dangers the characters in Chapter 8 faced?

9. How did Matt Murphy make his living when he arrived in Nome?

10. How did Tom benefit from the miners in Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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