Alas, Babylon Test | Final Test - Medium

Pat Frank
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alas, Babylon Test | Final Test - Medium

Pat Frank
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Peyton upset?
(a) Ben won't let her hunt
(b) she has to go to school
(c) there's no candy left in town
(d) her father hasn't come back yet

2. What happened to the Admiral's radio?
(a) nothing
(b) someone stole it
(c) it fell in the water
(d) a tube burned out

3. What does Randy take to town to barter for coffee?
(a) a bottle of Scotch
(b) a dozen eggs
(c) three loafs of bread
(d) some ammunition

4. What does the Acting President announce on the radio?
(a) that the war is still going on
(b) that Reserve Officers have her authority
(c) that the war is over
(d) that food and medicine will be brought into the area

5. What does Conelrad say people should do for water?
(a) use the river
(b) Red Cross trucks are bringing it in
(c) use swimming pools
(d) boil drinking water

Short Answer Questions

1. When do the highwaymen hit their victims?

2. Who is driving Randy when they find the highwaymen?

3. What is Randy worried about when he sits down to a surprise dinner?

4. Why does Randy decide to go over to the Admiral's after dinner?

5. What two essential services were lost from the power failure?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens at Dan's office?

2. What does Randy plan to do about water for the house?

3. What does Rita say about the highwaymen and what does she do?

4. What has Peyton found in the attic and what does Randy say to her?

5. How do Dan and Randy figure out where the illness is coming from?

6. Who asks Randy for permission to make corn whiskey and what does he need?

7. What is Dan using for antiseptic and for anesthetic?

8. What happens to the Admiral's shortwave and what can be done about it?

9. What happens to Ben the night Dan is robbed?

10. How does Dan keep his car going and the Admiral's radio working?

(see the answer keys)

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