Akin Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Akin Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much does Michael pay for a selfie stick with part of the spending money he has?
(a) 10 euros.
(b) 5 euros.
(c) 3 euros.
(d) 12 euros.

2. What letter does Amber have tattooed on the inside of her arm?
(a) V.
(b) F.
(c) M.
(d) L.

3. Monsieur Benoit tells Noah in Chapter VII: "Nom de Guerre" that the initials MZ likely belong to a woman with what last name?
(a) Zepeta.
(b) Zonson.
(c) Zee.
(d) Zabel.

4. In Chapter V: Neither Here nor There, Noah wonders whether Madame Dupont's daughter with what name is still living in Nice?
(a) Coco.
(b) Cocorico.
(c) Beurk.
(d) Chanel.

5. How many euros does Noah give Michael in spending money in Chapter V: Neither Here nor There?
(a) 30.
(b) 8.
(c) 10.
(d) 20.

Short Answer Questions

1. Noah points out to Michael the value of having whose DNA?

2. When Noah looks up the "notorious area" of Brooklyn where Michael had lived, he finds the average life expectancy to be what age?

3. Monsieur Benoit tells Noah in Chapter VII: "Nom de Guerre" that the initials MZ likely belong to a woman with what first name?

4. What method does Michael eventually use in France in order to communicate with his mother Amber?

5. Who gives Coco's number to Noah in Chapter VI: The Law of Closure?

Short Essay Questions

1. What two revelations are made about the initials MZ within Chapter VII: "Nom de Guerre"?

2. What is the significance of the statistic Noah finds about the prevalence of Confidential Informants within United States drug cases?

3. How does Noah react when Michael asks him how long Noah is going to live?

4. What belief does Noah come to have about Victor by the end of Chapter VII: "Nom de Guerre"?

5. Discuss an instance when Noah accepts and applies advice from the voice of his late wife Joan in Chapter V: Neither Here nor There.

6. For what reason are soldiers present in Nice during Noah and Michael's visit?

7. What is the symbolism of the maroon chip in Michael's pocket?

8. What is Michael's first purchase with the ten euros he receives from Noah and how does Noah feel about the purchase?

9. What detail does Noah tell Michael about Miss Sprule's discipline of him during his childhood?

10. What holiday is taking place in Nice during Michael and Noah's time there and what mood does it lend to the narrative?

(see the answer keys)

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