Akin Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Akin Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Noah says that his mother Margot lived to be what age?
(a) 99.
(b) 88.
(c) 76.
(d) 92.

2. What object does Noah use within an analogy while explaining DNA inheritance to Michael?
(a) A yo-yo.
(b) A top.
(c) A pack of cards.
(d) A bottle cap.

3. Noah tells Michael that the Promenade in Nice was named by what group of people when they paid for it to be built?
(a) Centuries of tourists.
(b) Marie Antoinette's court.
(c) The Spanish.
(d) White visitors.

4. By the end of Chapter VII: "Nom de Guerre," Noah believes that Amber is incarcerated for what reason?
(a) She had committed the crime.
(b) The police had pinned the crime on her.
(c) She had lied about her criminal record.
(d) She had committed a different crime.

5. What kind of market do Noah and Michael visit together in Chapter VII: "Nom de Guerre" (216)?
(a) A flea market.
(b) A farmer's market.
(c) A meat market.
(d) A fruit market.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what type of seat does Noah sit smoking while Michael is reclining atop the play structure in Chapter V: Neither Here nor There?

2. Noah begins to suspect in earnest in Chapter IV: The Promenade that the man with the cane in one of Margot's photographs had been her what?

3. What is Michael doing when Noah wakes up suddenly in Chapter IV: The Promenade?

4. How much does Michael pay for a selfie stick with part of the spending money he has?

5. Monsieur Benoit reports to Noah that the woman referred to as MZ performed what position within the Marcel network organization?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do tourists symbolize within Chapter IV: The Promenade?

2. What tattoo does Michael have on the inside of his arm and what is its significance?

3. What is the symbolism of the maroon chip in Michael's pocket?

4. What results does Noah unearth when he searches for the average life expectancy of a person in Michael's Brooklyn neighborhood?

5. What belief does Noah come to have about Victor by the end of Chapter VII: "Nom de Guerre"?

6. In what way does Joan's voice act as a voice of reason throughout the text?

7. What is Michael's first purchase with the ten euros he receives from Noah and how does Noah feel about the purchase?

8. How does Noah help Michael communicate with his mother Amber in Chapter IV: The Promenade?

9. For what reason are soldiers present in Nice during Noah and Michael's visit?

10. To what objects does Noah compare a biological mother and father in his DNA explanation to Michael?

(see the answer keys)

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