Aké: The Years of Childhood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Aké: The Years of Childhood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the phrase Wole uses to describe the odor in Wild Christian's room?
(a) Given to change like a chameleon.
(b) Hot, humid, and sticky.
(c) Sweet and airy like a cake.
(d) A riot of smells.

2. At the beginning of Chapter 2, what is Wole jealous of concerning Tinu?
(a) That she goes to school, and that he is too young to go.
(b) That she has shoes, and he does not.
(c) That she gets the choicest morsels of bread, and he is stuck with hard crust.
(d) That she can split a pomegranate, and he can not.

3. Who is Paa Adatan's stated enemy?
(a) Egungun, the earth spirit.
(b) Essay.
(c) The government of Nigeria.
(d) Adolf Hitler.

4. What is the name of Wole's family servant?
(a) Wild Christian.
(b) Tinu.
(c) Osiki.
(d) Nubi.

5. Who is "Tinu?"
(a) Wole's older sister.
(b) Headmaster of the Grammar School.
(c) A local mystic.
(d) Wole's great aunt.

6. Why does Paa Adatan wear a belt of amulets?
(a) He believes they will deflect bullets and make him invincible.
(b) He wears an amulet for every Nazi he has killed.
(c) To remind him of his dead wife.
(d) To allow him to travel between the realms of life and death.

7. What is the phrase Wole uses to describe the odor in Essay's room?
(a) Baked-in grease.
(b) Leaden and noxious.
(c) Ordered mustiness.
(d) Imagination stifling.

8. Who saves Wole from a savage beating at the end of Chapter 5?
(a) Tinu.
(b) Wild Christian.
(c) Essay.
(d) Mr. B.

9. In Chapter 7, how does Wole regard Mrs. Odufuwa?
(a) He enjoys Mrs. Odufuwa's cooking greatly.
(b) He fears Mrs. Odufuwa, because he thinks she is a witch.
(c) He believes Mrs. Odufuwa is the most beautiful woman on earth.
(d) He hates Mrs. Odufuwa for her rough bathing sessions.

10. In Chapter 1, how is Uncle Sanya cured of his spirit possession?
(a) Uncle Sanya is confined in a hut for 2 months.
(b) Uncle Sanya is taken to a high mountain, where the spirits cannot reach.
(c) The offending spirits are given food to placate them.
(d) Uncle Sanya is drained of a pint of blood.

11. What is called "a miracle from God" at the end of Chapter 2?
(a) Osiki's ability to not cause mischief during a church service.
(b) The fact that Wole can read at one year of age.
(c) The fact that Wole did not lose an eye to a bad accident.
(d) Tinu's sudden recovery from a bad fever.

12. What is Wole's memorable experience the first time he ventures outside the parsonage's walls in Chapter 3?
(a) He is exposed to a marching band.
(b) He sees a naked woman bathing.
(c) For the first time, he eats a delicious variety of pounded yam.
(d) He is kidnapped by a homeless man.

13. Which is NOT a name given to the master of Wole's parsonage compound?
(a) Wild Man.
(b) Canon.
(c) Reverend.
(d) Pa Delumo.

14. What trouble does You-Mean-Mayself cause Essay and the household?
(a) He plays his accordion at all hours of the night.
(b) He refuses to pay back a significant loan.
(c) He mooches food from the family.
(d) He steals the radio.

15. What activity did Wole do every New Year?
(a) Wole took a day-long walking trip around Ake.
(b) Wole visited a soup kitchen and volunteered.
(c) Wole visited his grandparents in Isara.
(d) Wole attended a long church service.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Wild Christian scold Wole during his birthday party in Chapter 2?

2. Upon returning to Ake at the end of Chapter 3, what is the first thing Wole says?

3. In Chapter 3, how does Wole manage to get back home to Ake?

4. What sin does Wole describe committing in Chapter 6?

5. What do people call Wole's grandfather?

(see the answer keys)

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