Airframe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Airframe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In reviewing the tapes between the pilot and air traffic control, what does Casey and her team notice about the pilot?
(a) He is confident that everything is under control.
(b) He sounds confused.
(c) He did everything right.
(d) He is surprised by the malfunction.

2. How long does Casey Singleton have to investigate the incident from the troubled flight?
(a) One week.
(b) One year.
(c) One month.
(d) As long as she needs.

3. What does the FAA official order the flight crew from the troubled flight to do?
(a) Write separate reports of what happened.
(b) Stay on the plane.
(c) Report to FAA headquarters immediately.
(d) Go to the infirmary.

4. Why is the cockpit recorder of no help in Casey's investigation?
(a) Because it was too early for it to be turned on.
(b) Because it was destroyed when the incident happened.
(c) Because it cannot be used in a lawsuit.
(d) Because it was purposely destoyed by someone trying to cover up what happened.

5. What does Casey call the footage from the camera she found in the cockpit?
(a) Inconclusive.
(b) Terrifying.
(c) Disturbing.
(d) Troublesome.

6. Where did the pilot of the troubled flight make an emergency landing?
(a) Austin.
(b) Los Angeles.
(c) Denver.
(d) San Diego.

7. During a meeting on Tuesday, a report confirms the trouble on Flight 545 was not caused by what?
(a) Slats deployment.
(b) Pilot error.
(c) An autopilot malfunction.
(d) Turbulence.

8. What is Amos's job at Norton Aircraft?
(a) He is the assistant to the president.
(b) He is a metallurgy expert.
(c) He is the chief designer.
(d) He is a test pilot.

9. Who does Marder rely on to deal with the press?
(a) Casey.
(b) Bob Richman.
(c) He always handles the press himself.
(d) Norton's Press Department.

10. Where did Casey Singleton send her daughter to the morning of the troubled flight?
(a) To a scheduled visit with Casey's mother.
(b) To a scheduled visit with her daughter's father.
(c) To a summer camp.
(d) To a scheduled visit with Casey's father.

11. What reason does the pilot of the troubled flight give for the plane's problems?
(a) Severe turbulence.
(b) A deranged passenger.
(c) Loss of an engine.
(d) Low fuel.

12. What does Casey learn about the Flight Data Recorder?
(a) The information does not lead to any concrete solutions.
(b) The information on it is corrupt.
(c) The information is helpful in determining the cause of the trouble on the flight.
(d) It was destroyed during the flight.

13. While inspecting the plane, what does Casey see stuck in an overhead compartment?
(a) The remnants of a bomb.
(b) A dead man.
(c) A piece of luggage.
(d) A video camera.

14. What reason does Bob Richman give Casey when she confronts him about his time away when he was working in marketing?
(a) He was traveling to meet potential buyers.
(b) He was sent away by the administration.
(c) He was using the company to get as many perks as possible.
(d) He was only in the way in marketing.

15. Why does Casey take a copy of the tape to the audio interpretation lab?
(a) She wants to know the source of the sound right before the incident.
(b) She wants to isolate the conversation in the cockpit.
(c) She wants the screaming to be removed so she can hear other noises.
(d) She wants another opinion on the noises she hears.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does ex-FAA agent Fred Barker tell Jennifer Malone about the N-22?

2. If Jennifer goes forward with her report, who does she want as one of the central figures?

3. Who reports the plane's activity to the FAA?

4. When Casey runs into Don Brull, in addition to reminding her that the wing is going to China, what does he tell her about the wing tools?

5. Who was waiting for Casey in the parking lot when she arrived at work the morning of the troubled flight?

(see the answer keys)

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