Objects & Places from Ahimsa(novel)

Supriya Kelkar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Ahimsa(novel)

Supriya Kelkar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Ahimsa(novel) Lesson Plans

Anjali's Beautiful Clothes

These items becomes symbols of the British oppression of Indians and India, and Anjali's mother burns them.


This person represents tradition, bias, stubbornness, and the so-called "old ways."


This item is used by the freedom fighters to make clothes and is a symbol of self-sufficiency and a tool they use to fight oppression.


The fact that Irfaan and Anjali work together to try to save this animal symbolizes what is possible when people set aside differences in working towards a good cause.

Mohan's Necklaces

These objects represent the talent of a person who is oppressed and treated unfairly.

Peacock Feathers

Anjali views these as good luck, but puts less stock in them at the end of the novel than at the beginning.

Rani of Jhansi

This legendary queen symbolizes strength and resolve.

Homespun Khadi

These plain, unadorned clothing items symbolize a move...

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