The Aguero Sisters Test | Final Test - Easy

Cristina Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Aguero Sisters Test | Final Test - Easy

Cristina Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many animals does Blanca's father single-handedly kill after the stampede kills his wife?
(a) 6.
(b) 600.
(c) 60.
(d) 6000.

2. Which of his parents' belongings does Ignacio sell to earn the funds to publish his first book?
(a) Their car.
(b) Their family heirlooms.
(c) Their insurance plans.
(d) Their house.

3. Which weather ailment does Blanca claim is always plaguing her in the home?
(a) Snow.
(b) Rain.
(c) Heat.
(d) Wind.

4. What causes Silvestre's deafness?
(a) A loud noise.
(b) A high fever.
(c) A genetic trait.
(d) An amputated ear.

5. To whom does Constancia decide to gift the small bone she finds in the copper box?
(a) Her daughter.
(b) She decides to keep it for herself.
(c) Her sister.
(d) Her son.

6. Where is the only place Blanca wants to make love to her husband after their honeymoon?
(a) In the treetops.
(b) In the bed.
(c) In the desert.
(d) In water.

7. How does Constancia respond to Reina's claim about their mother's graveside visitor?
(a) She is interested in Reina's revelations.
(b) She is amused by Reina's imagination.
(c) She does not acknowledge Reina's statements.
(d) She is infuriated at Reina's blasphemy.

8. How old is the young boy who dies from eating spoiled meat after the stampede?
(a) Twelve-years-old.
(b) Two-years-old.
(c) Five-years-old.
(d) Eighteen-years-old.

9. How does Ignacio respond when Reina asks him if he is her true father?
(a) He ignored the question.
(b) He agreed that he was probably not her father.
(c) He confessed that he had no idea who Reina's father was.
(d) He told her that he was her father.

10. What does Constancia do with Herberto's body?
(a) She has it sent back to Miami.
(b) She buries it in Cuba.
(c) She refuses to deal with Herberto's corpse.
(d) She has it cremated.

11. How does Silvestre kill his father?
(a) He strangles him.
(b) He suffocates him.
(c) He stabs him.
(d) He poisons him.

12. How does Ignacio's mother feel about her son quitting university?
(a) She never found out, as Ignacio never told her.
(b) She was glad he put his foolishness behind him.
(c) She begged him to return to his studies.
(d) She was shocked because she didn't know he had enrolled in classes in the first place.

13. In what class does Ignacio meet Blanca for the first time?
(a) Spanish.
(b) Trigonometry.
(c) Biology.
(d) Physical Education.

14. How many miles does Constancia swim to reach the Cuban coast?
(a) Eight miles.
(b) Fifteen miles.
(c) Twelve miles.
(d) Three miles.

15. What is the name of Constancia's new business?
(a) Cuban Cosmetics.
(b) Cuban Cerpata Cosmetics.
(c) Cueropo Cosmetico.
(d) Cuerpa de Cuba.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following best describes Gonzalo's body when Silvestre arrives at the hospital?

2. In what city of Florida does Reina live with her sister, Constancia?

3. What does Constancia think happens to Herberto during the Cuban revolution?

4. How does Reina react to Constancia's realization that their mother did not drown in the Zapatos swamp?

5. How far does Ignacio claim it was to the nearest town, to which he carried his wife's dead body?

(see the answer keys)

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