The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Giuliano da Sangallo do for Michelangelo?
(a) shows him where to buy marble
(b) helps him when his stepmother dies
(c) introduces him to a diplomat
(d) teaches him more about architecture

2. Who helps Michelangelo find a place of his own?
(a) Andrea Bregno
(b) Jacopo Galli
(c) Giuliano da Sangallo
(d) Leo Baglioni

3. What causes Savonarola to agree that he is a heretic and then recant?
(a) a debate in Florence
(b) instructions form the Pope
(c) several days of torture
(d) the de Medici family

4. What is Michelangelo worried about before going to the Medici school?
(a) how to dress
(b) how to tell his father
(c) at what hour to arrive
(d) where to get his supplies

5. After the festival for his son, where does Piero de Medici invite Michelangelo?
(a) back to restore the Sculpture Garden
(b) on a trip to Bologna
(c) back into the de Medici home
(d) on a trip to visit King Charles VIII of France

Short Answer Questions

1. Just as Michelangelo starts working for Galli, what do the creditors in Florence demand?

2. Instead of a commission, what does Cardinal Riario give Michelangelo?

3. How does Michelangelo learn anatomy at the charity hospital of Santo Spirito?

4. Where is the thirteen-year-old Michelangelo taken in March of 1488?

5. Who operates the sculpture garden?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain how Michelangelo finally gets to do some real artwork.

2. Explain the effect of Michelangelo's broken nose at the hand of Torrigiani.

3. What is the first problem facing Michelangelo before he can study under Bertoldo?

4. Explain the surprise announcement after Michelangelo has been at Ghirlandaio's school for one year.

5. Tell something about Michelangelo's reception when he returns home.

6. Describe how Michelangelo's ideas depart from the ideas of his teacher.

7. Describe briefly the way friendship develops between Michelangelo and the contessina.

8. Describe the beginning of the friendship between Michelangelo and the Contessina.

9. Describe Michelangelo's frustration in the Sculpture Garden.

10. Describe how Michelangelo gets his start in art education.

(see the answer keys)

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