The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Agony and the Ecstasy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Michelangelo worried about before going to the Medici school?
(a) at what hour to arrive
(b) where to get his supplies
(c) how to dress
(d) how to tell his father

2. What does Michelangelo believe that Ghirlandaio disagrees with?
(a) that art is a useless occupation
(b) that humans should never be painted nude
(c) that sculpture is the greatest art form
(d) that painting is a waste of time

3. Who comes and sees the sculpture Michelangelo did?
(a) Bertoldo
(b) Lorenzo
(c) Contessina de Medici
(d) Lodovico

4. What are the people of Florence not happy about?
(a) Michelangelo's crucifix
(b) the lavish wedding of the contessa
(c) the wine crop failure in Tuscany
(d) Piero de Medici's gifts to the poor

5. What is Michelangelo expected to learn about?
(a) marble quarrying
(b) keeping a journal
(c) charging for his work
(d) dress, manners, life, and art

6. For whom does Michelangelo offer to carve something?
(a) the Contessina
(b) Piero de Medici
(c) his father
(d) the church

7. What is Michelangelo's conclusion about his looks after the broken nose?
(a) it makes him look eccentric
(b) his work must conceal his looks
(c) now he is handsome
(d) it is something he cannot change

8. who brings Michelangelo to Ghirlandaio?
(a) Lorenzo de Medici
(b) Lodovico Buonarroti
(c) Baldinelli
(d) Francesco Granacci

9. What does Michelangelo discover his father believes about Lorenzo de Medici?
(a) he is a saint
(b) he is bankrupt
(c) he is a fool
(d) he is a tyrant

10. What does Michelangelo insist painting draped figures allows the artist to do?
(a) ignore the shape and features of the body
(b) work faster to finsh a painting
(c) have less trouble with textures
(d) put emphasis on color over form

11. What does Piero de Medici want Michelangelo to carve for the birthday of his son, Giuliano?
(a) a set of small soldiers
(b) a snowman
(c) a bed
(d) a cupid

12. What causes Savonarola to agree that he is a heretic and then recant?
(a) instructions form the Pope
(b) the de Medici family
(c) several days of torture
(d) a debate in Florence

13. After the festival for his son, where does Piero de Medici invite Michelangelo?
(a) back into the de Medici home
(b) on a trip to Bologna
(c) on a trip to visit King Charles VIII of France
(d) back to restore the Sculpture Garden

14. What does Lodovico initially refuse to give his son?
(a) money to live on
(b) the new equipment he will need
(c) new clothes fitting for the Medici palace
(d) permission to attend the de Medici school

15. How does Michelangelo spend a lot of his free time near the sculpture garden?
(a) putting out his paintings for sale
(b) waiting to see a de Medici coming
(c) sitting in a tree, looking over the wall
(d) standing outside the school's gates, watching

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first of Michelangelo's problems if he wants to study under Bertoldo?

2. Where does Lodovico want Michelangelo accepted?

3. What does Michelangelo recognize he must do to keep his father from taking him away?

4. What does Michelangelo learn his old nemesis, Torrigiani, is doing in Rome?

5. After the death of Lorenzo de Medici, where does Michelangelo find himself?

(see the answer keys)

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