Age of Iron Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Age of Iron Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator ask Vercueil to do when she hears the national anthem?
(a) To dance.
(b) To mute the sound.
(c) To turn the TV off.
(d) To change channels.

2. How does the narrator call the house of Parliament?
(a) The house of horror.
(b) The house of injustice.
(c) The house of shame.
(d) The house of hate.

3. What does Florence learn late at night in Part Three?
(a) Bheki is in trouble.
(b) Her insurance does not cover bullet wounds.
(c) Her husband was arrested.
(d) Lawyers are expensive.

4. What does the John do when he sees the narrator?
(a) He hides something under the sheets.
(b) He closes the door.
(c) He smiles.
(d) He shoots at her.

5. Who does the narrator find in her kitchen when she comes down to quiet Vercueil's dog?
(a) Behki's friend.
(b) Florence.
(c) Vercueil.
(d) Her daughter.

6. Why did Vercueil abandon his career at sea?
(a) His leg was cut.
(b) His head was split open.
(c) His spine was crushed.
(d) His hand was crushed.

7. What does Mr. Vercueil suggest doing after the narrator looks at her watch?
(a) Continue to drive.
(b) Go dance.
(c) Go drink.
(d) Go home.

8. Where does the police stop the narrator's car?
(a) At a light.
(b) On the side of the road.
(c) At a gas station.
(d) At a road block.

9. What happens late at night in Part Three?
(a) Florence leaves for Zimbabwe.
(b) Florence is arrested.
(c) Florence receives a phone call.
(d) Florence is wounded in a shootout.

10. What does the police tell the narrator?
(a) That she must pay a fee to enter.
(b) That she must submit to a body scanner.
(c) That she is not allowed to pass.
(d) That she can only continue on foot.

11. Who does the narrator reach on the phone?
(a) Mr. Thabane.
(b) Florence.
(c) A police officer.
(d) Florence's mother.

12. Where is the narrator put after she tells the one trying to get her out of her house that she has cancer?
(a) In her study.
(b) In the kitchen.
(c) On her bed.
(d) On the couch.

13. What does the narrator ask Vercueil to fix?
(a) Her TV antenna.
(b) Her radio antenna.
(c) Her cable box.
(d) Her pool filter.

14. Who does the narrator and her group meet on the way back to the car?
(a) Bheki.
(b) Florence's husband.
(c) A friend of Bheki.
(d) Florence's sister.

15. Where does Vercueil bring the narrator?
(a) To scenic spots.
(b) To the township.
(c) To the hospital.
(d) To the airport.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are the police officers the narrator talks with?

2. What happened on Government Avenue in the narrator's dream in Part four?

3. What does the narrator tell Mr. Vercueil?

4. How does the narrator sign one of the letters where she talks about Vercueil?

5. What are some men forcing bystanders to do?

(see the answer keys)

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