Against All Enemies Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Against All Enemies Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What plan of attack does al Qaeda execute in Indonesia?
(a) They bomb the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta.
(b) They bomb 20 churches on Christmas in 2000.
(c) They bomb 4 marketplaces throughout the country simultaneously.
(d) They bomb multiple hotels throughout the Christmas holiday season.

2. How does al Qaeda indirectly fund terrorism so they are not caught?
(a) Through fabricated charities, museums, mosques, and cultural centers all over the world.
(b) They use conterfeit money.
(c) They keep all their money in the Caribbean or Switzerland.
(d) They do not use a central banking system.

3. Why does Tony Lake deny the Pentagon's plans in fighting al Qaeda?
(a) The Pentagon is not willing to put enough men for a successful mission.
(b) He prefers the CIA's plans.
(c) Lake is not willing to use action just yet.
(d) It is too upfront and not stealthy enough.

4. What weapons do the Aum utilize?
(a) Sarin nerve gas.
(b) Tularemia.
(c) Homemade bombs.
(d) Smallpox virus.

5. What does bin Laden and Zawahiri do to gain Rahman's release?
(a) Send suicide bombers outside Rahman's prison.
(b) Publicly announce war on Egypt and the U.S. on BBC if they do not release him.
(c) Take hostages from the U.S. Embassy in Egypt.
(d) Kill tourists and stuff them with leaflets calling for his release.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the State Department originally have for anthrax prevention?

2. What assures Clarke of the "conceptual breakthrough" that terrorism is now a concern for many?

3. Where does CSG send specialized security after their meeting on August 8, 1998?

4. What key point is indicated in the Dayton Accord?

5. To get fresh eyes looking for bin Laden, what does the CSG turn to?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the obstacles in planning a snatch for Abu Hafs al-Muratani, an associate of bin Laden, in Khartoum?

2. List in detail the concerns Clarke has in protecting the troops during the first Iraq War against "special" weapons.

3. How is Clarke able to get funds for embassy hardening? What stops him and who helps him?

4. How is Pakistan involved with al Qaeda? How are Pakistan and U.S. relations? As plans are developed to retaliate against al Qaeda, why is Pakistan mentioned and considered?

5. Why is the timing of a strike against al Qaeda questionable in relation to the President?

6. What is the transition from Clinton's administration to George W. Bush's administration like for Clarke and those working in counter-terrorism? How is this transition received by Clarke and others in counter-terrorism?

7. Explain Theme Days and how Clarke handles his counter -terrorism Theme Day?

8. What do Sam Nunn, Dick Lugan and Pete Dominic have in common? How do they help Clarke's goals with counter-terrorism?

9. What Millennium attack plans are foiled and how are they foiled?

10. What are the general American reactions to U.S.'s retaliation with missiles? How do they come to this conclusion? Is it reasonable?

(see the answer keys)

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