Against All Enemies Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Against All Enemies Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the U.S. buy from Israel?
(a) Stingers.
(b) Unmanned aerial vehicles and air-to-ground smart bombs.
(c) Hind-D helicopters.
(d) Anti-missile lasers.

2. What does Freeh believe is the cause of Saudi Arabia's lack of cooperation with the FBI?
(a) They are part of the terrorist group.
(b) Saudi Arabia is too proud to let others co-command.
(c) It is a Clinton cover-up.
(d) FBI is to intimidating for the Saudi Arabian Special Forces.

3. After homeland issues are assured in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, what is the Situation Room's next topic?
(a) How to invade Iraq.
(b) How to get Pakistan's support.
(c) What to do about al Qaeda.
(d) How they can link Saddam to this.

4. What does Gore believe he does well?
(a) Look mad.
(b) Security plans.
(c) Scare people into doing their jobs well.
(d) Head meetings.

5. When Clarke returns to the White House after a short break on 9/12, what does he hear Rumsfeld discussing?
(a) Precautions before entering a war.
(b) How to get Pakistan's support.
(c) Ways to attack Afghanistan.
(d) War with Iraq.

Short Answer Questions

1. In 1996, who does the U.S. fear will plan terrorist attacks on Americans?

2. Why does Secretary of State Christopher push to bomb an Iraqi facility on a Saturday night?

3. How does Clarke begin making enemies with his own government?

4. Of those listed, which is NOT an option as a retaliation effort against Iran for the Khobar attack?

5. The increase in counter-terrorism budget helped do what?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Condeleeza Rice handle the situation at the White house following the 9/11 attacks? How might others view her actions? How does Clarke view her actions?

2. What is President Bush adamant about despite the international law that Rumsfield reminds him of? What is the international law that Rumsfield mentions to Bush?

3. Compare and contrast alliances and enemies from the Reagan administration and George H.W. Bush's administration.

4. How does Usama bin Laden become involved in the efforts of Afghanistan?

5. Why does Clarke believe the fight against terrorism begins with Reagan's administration?

6. Describe Saudi Arabia's situation as Iraq starts to look into Kuwait. What options does the Saudi King have? What factors must he consider in his decisions?

7. During the 1990s, what is the political situation in Bahrain? How does this affect the U.S.?

8. Why does Iraq's attack on Kuwait concern the U.S. and other nations? What are the countries fearful of?

9. What is the environment in Somalia in 1993? What is happening that the U.N. and U.S. get involved?

10. Why does the Saudi Arabian government threaten bin Laden? How does Usama bin Laden remain strong despite these threats?

(see the answer keys)

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