Against All Enemies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Against All Enemies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During the Iran-Iraq war, what stance does the U.S. take?
(a) Aids Iran.
(b) Attempts peace talks between the two countries.
(c) Aids Iraq.
(d) Instills sanctions on both countries.

2. Which country noticeably does not attend the International Summit on Terrorism?
(a) Iran.
(b) Iraq.
(c) Saudi Arabia.
(d) Lebanon.

3. What punishment does President George H.W. Bush seek on Libya for the Pan Am attack?
(a) Greater military presence in northern Africa.
(b) U.N. sanctions on Libya.
(c) Military action on Libyan government buildings.
(d) He pulls relief aid.

4. Why does Reagan create presence in the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Israel?
(a) To protect oil owned by the U.S.
(b) To protect Iraq.
(c) To put Russia off balance.
(d) To strengthen allies with Iran, Afghanistan and Israel.

5. Who does Clarke trust to lead National Security Special Events?
(a) FBI.
(b) National Guard.
(c) Secret Service.
(d) CIA.

6. What news does the FAA give that causes silence in the CSG meeting on 9/11?
(a) Reports of 11 off-course flights or out of communication flights may be hijacked.
(b) They are unable to give orders to ground all flights.
(c) The names of the passengers on board include al Qaeda.
(d) There is another off-course flight heading towards the Sears Tower.

7. Who else wants to convict Omar Abdel Rahman for terrorism?
(a) Egypt.
(b) Lebanon.
(c) Saudi Arabia.
(d) Afghanistan.

8. Why does Mike Fenzel have difficulty hearing the crisis conference in the Situation Room?
(a) Dick Cheney will not allow him to.
(b) Mrs. Cheney prefers to listen to CNN and Dick Cheney keeps hanging up the phone.
(c) The PEOC has bad static in their teleconference monitors.
(d) Fenzel is holed in a cave that has no secure line.

9. Who invites Usama bin Laden into their country?
(a) Bendjedid from Algeria.
(b) President Mohammed Najibullah from Afghanistan.
(c) Hasan al-Turabi from Sudan.
(d) Colonel Muammar Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi from Libya.

10. How does Clarke learn about the World Trade Center bombing in 1993?
(a) Scowcroft asks him about it.
(b) CNN.
(c) Clarke was in the vicinity.
(d) O'Neill calls him.

11. What occurs after the U.S. leaves Iraq and Kuwait?
(a) The Shi'a takes over the government.
(b) Hussein begins an alliance with bin Laden.
(c) The Republican Guards kill all that revolted against Hussein.
(d) Hussein begins to threaten Israel.

12. What does Iraq do that convinces Charlie Allen that Iraq is serious about Kuwait?
(a) They operate under emcon.
(b) The U.S.has intelligence that Iraq is about to attack on two fronts.
(c) They send large numbers of forces to the border of Kuwait.
(d) The U.N. finds a nuclear program in Iraq.

13. Why is the Navy officer unsure of whether to contact Clarke about the World Trade Center bombing in 1993?
(a) It's the first major domestic terrorist attack.
(b) Clarke is not a popular figure amongst the military.
(c) Freeh tells him not to.
(d) The FBI already arrives on scene.

14. What angers Usama bin Laden about Americans in Saudi Arabia?
(a) It is against the Wahhabist branch of Islam.
(b) Usama bin Laden feels disgust for any superpower.
(c) Usama bin Laden believes Saudi Arabia can fight the war alone.
(d) Usama bin Laden feels the Americans failed the Afghans.

15. How do the surviving families of TWA 800 respond to Clinton's visit?
(a) They understand he is there politically.
(b) They embrace his empathy.
(c) They shun his lack of genuine concern.
(d) They are angry for answers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Prince Turki ask of Usama bin Laden when he returns to Saudi Arabia from Afghanistan in 1989?

2. How does Clarke begin making enemies with his own government?

3. What is the first thing Clarke does upon hearing the news of the World Trade Center?

4. What is the CIA's view on Iraq's intentions concerning Kuwait before the Persian Gulf War begins?

5. According to Clarke, what is one of the mistakes of Reagan's administration?

(see the answer keys)

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