Against All Enemies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Against All Enemies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard A. Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mike Fenzel have difficulty hearing the crisis conference in the Situation Room?
(a) The PEOC has bad static in their teleconference monitors.
(b) Fenzel is holed in a cave that has no secure line.
(c) Dick Cheney will not allow him to.
(d) Mrs. Cheney prefers to listen to CNN and Dick Cheney keeps hanging up the phone.

2. What does Cheney promise the Saudi King as a liaison of President George H.W. Bush?
(a) U.S. forces will leave as soon as the war is over.
(b) U.S. will no longer have an alliance with Israel.
(c) U.S. will send forces whenever the Saudi King asks.
(d) U.S. will sell as many arms to Saudi Arabia as it needs.

3. According to Clarke, what is one of the mistakes of Reagan's administration?
(a) They never should have risked their alliance with Arabs by helping Israel.
(b) They backed the wrong country in the Iran-Iraq war.
(c) They leave too quickly from Pakistan and Afghanistan, leaving no influence.
(d) They failed to make a large enough military presence in the Persian Gulf.

4. Which country helps the U.S. strengthen its military presence in the Middle East?
(a) Egypt.
(b) Oman.
(c) Kuwait.
(d) Saudia Arabia.

5. How does Clarke learn of an assassination attempt on George H.W. Bush?
(a) CNN.
(b) Kuwait's ambassador.
(c) BBC.
(d) An Arab-language London paper.

6. Who does Iran get on their side to overthrow the Khalifas?
(a) The Bahraini Shi'a.
(b) Sunni minority in Bahrain.
(c) Bahraini refugees in Oman.
(d) The Bahraini military.

7. What concern does Clarke have outside the U.S.?
(a) Protecting the U.S. embassies overseas.
(b) Talks with the U.K. to begin military actions against al Qaeda.
(c) Colin Powell and other officials currently abroad.
(d) Maximizing global empathy to help retaliate against al Qaeda.

8. According to Clarke, what is one factor that stops counter-terrorism policies from passing in Congress?
(a) The push for budget cuts.
(b) WTC bombing of 1993 was not a large enough wake-up call.
(c) The lack of shared intelligence to the Congress.
(d) Republican-Democratic party animosity.

9. Why does Secretary of State Christopher push to bomb an Iraqi facility on a Saturday night?
(a) It'll be the most surprising time.
(b) It's the least likely time the U.S. media will notice.
(c) He knows the Iraqis work weekend hours.
(d) To minimize casualties.

10. What strategic move does Iraq implement once U.S. begins their airstrike?
(a) Launch missiles on Israel.
(b) Capture high officials of Kuwait as hostages.
(c) Bomb Saudi Arabian oil fields.
(d) Take American and U.K. reporters as hostages.

11. What development adds to the political turmoil in the Middle East?
(a) Hussein attacks Kuwait.
(b) Iran attacks Israel.
(c) Russia invades Iran.
(d) Hussein attacks Iran.

12. The increase in counter-terrorism budget helped do what?
(a) Strengthen the Air Marshalls Program.
(b) Strengthen the Secret Service staff.
(c) Increase airport security.
(d) Allow better intelligence capabilities.

13. Where does Clinton get assurance that the U.S. bomb hit its target in Iraq?
(a) CIA satellite photos.
(b) A Wall Street Journal reporter in the field.
(c) A friend who is a reporter for the Associated Press.
(d) A relative of a CNN employee.

14. In addition to closing airways, what does Clarke want to safeguard?
(a) Historical landmarks in New York and D.C.
(b) All federal buildings in all states are to close.
(c) Harbors and borders.
(d) Major highways to and from New York City.

15. In 1996, who does the U.S. fear will plan terrorist attacks on Americans?
(a) Iran.
(b) Pakistan.
(c) Afghanistan.
(d) Iraq.

Short Answer Questions

1. Initially, plans are to have Combat Air Patrol (CAP) over New York and D.C. Clarke then orders CAPs over every major city in the country. What causes him to extend the plans even further?

2. Which country noticeably does not attend the International Summit on Terrorism?

3. What must Cheney and his team convince the Saudi King?

4. What does Clinton make sure the U.N. does after Black Hawk Down?

5. Why does Reagan create presence in the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Israel?

(see the answer keys)

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