Afterward Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 78 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Afterward Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 78 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 1: "Afterward".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Mary, startled by the envelope's contents, cries out and rises to her feet, how does Ned react?
(a) He rushes to her side to comfort her.
(b) He looks cornered and guilty.
(c) He quietly tells her to sit back down.
(d) He laughs loudly and tells her to stop being dramatic.

2. On page 84, the narrator links isolated environments to "acuities of emotion." What are "acuities of emotion"?
(a) Exaggerated emotion that is difficult to control.
(b) The ability to perceive emotion with sharp accuracy.
(c) Bluntness or dulling of emotion.
(d) Quickly changing emotions.

3. What does Mary conclude she needs to do in order to see the ghost?
(a) Find out whose ghost it is supposed to be.
(b) Make a habit of speaking out loud to the ghost.
(c) Get to know the house better.
(d) Stop actively looking for it.

4. When they are all laughing about the idea of a ghost, what does it mean that Mary "noted a certain flatness of tone in Alida's answering hilarity" (83)?
(a) Mary suspects that Alida feels embarrassed because she is lying about the ghost.
(b) Alida is laughing along, but Mary suspects that for some reason Alida does not find the subject as funny as everyone else does.
(c) Mary recognizes that Alida is probably jealous of their good fortune and is trying to hide it.
(d) Mary has only just realized that Alida is using this discussion as an opportunity to make fun of Mary and Ned.

5. When Ned speeds off to talk with the mysterious visitor on that day in October, why does it take Mary so long to follow?
(a) She is dizzy and has to move carefully.
(b) Ned tells her not to follow him.
(c) One of the heels of her shoes has come loose.
(d) She is too frightened of the ghost to move, at first.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the story refers to "Boyne," who or what is being referred to?

2. When Mary searches Ned's desk, to whom does she find he has been writing?

3. When Mary finally catches up with Ned on that October day, what is he doing?

4. When Mary tells Ned what she has learned from her mail, how does Ned react?

5. When Ned is still gone by the time Mary finishes lunch, where does she decide he must be?

(see the answer key)

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