Afterparties Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anthony Veasna So
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Afterparties Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anthony Veasna So
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the story titled "Maly, Maly, Maly," where do Maly and Ves seek shelter to get out of the house in the beginning of the story?
(a) The library.
(b) Ves's house.
(c) The air-conditioned truck.
(d) The donut shop.

2. Who is Toby's brother?
(a) James.
(b) Roland.
(c) Brian.
(d) Henry.

3. Why does the presence of the man who comes in very late every night to Chuck's Donuts unsettle Sothy?
(a) She thinks he might be her long-lost son.
(b) She thinks he might be there to collect on the loan on the shop.
(c) She thinks he might be an old lover.
(d) She thinks he might be a spy her old employer sent.

4. Who is Maly's mother?
(a) Rathy.
(b) Somaly.
(c) Sothy.
(d) Serey.

5. Who steps in to pay off Superking Son's debts on the store?
(a) The badminton team.
(b) His father.
(c) His mother.
(d) His brother.

6. What does the man who comes into Chuck's Donuts every night do to the person who comes in looking for him?
(a) Hugs that person.
(b) Ignores that person.
(c) Beats that person.
(d) Tells that person he has that person's money he owes that person.

7. In the story "Superking Son Scores Again," what sport does Superking Son excel at?
(a) Soccer.
(b) Basketball.
(c) Badminton.
(d) Tennis.

8. What does Toby's father ask him to do in order to try to avoid a problem with a customer?
(a) Discount a service.
(b) Change the oil in the truck quickly.
(c) Find new tires at a good price.
(d) Look for the customer's stolen truck around town.

9. How old is Kayley?
(a) 12.
(b) 18.
(c) 15.
(d) 9.

10. What does the man who comes into Chuck's Donuts late every night do while he is there?
(a) Stare out the window.
(b) Steal money.
(c) Make a phone call.
(d) Write furiously in a notebook.

11. In the story titled "Superking Son Scores Again," what does Justin say he will do if he loses the match to Superking Son?
(a) Serve as birdie collector for every meet.
(b) Give Superking Son his car.
(c) Cook for the whole team every day.
(d) Quit the team.

12. What poster do Ves and Maly often stare at, stoned, at the video store?
(a) Bunked.
(b) Clerks.
(c) Legends of the Fall.
(d) Lolita.

13. What did Sothy's husband used to work as?
(a) A janitor.
(b) A chef.
(c) A lawyer.
(d) An accountant.

14. Who does the man who comes into Chuck's Donuts very late every night remind Kayley of?
(a) Her uncle.
(b) Her brother.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her boyfriend.

15. Where is Chuck's Donuts?
(a) Montana.
(b) California.
(c) Maryland.
(d) Illinois.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are the only customers to the shop after the incident with the truck?

2. What does Maly say she wants for her mother's spirit?

3. Who gave Sothy a loan to open Chuck's Donuts?

4. Where is Ves planning to go at the end of the summer?

5. What does Justin's father do for a living?

(see the answer keys)

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