Afternoon of the Elves Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Janet Taylor Lisle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Afternoon of the Elves Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Janet Taylor Lisle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Sara-Kate get mad at Hillary?
(a) She says her mother doesn't want her to play.
(b) She refuses to help with homework.
(c) She pretends not to see her.
(d) She doesn't stop Jane from teasing her.

2. Why is Hillary so surprised by the way Sara-Kate acts when she comes to see the ferris wheel?
(a) She has never acted like that before.
(b) She was angry at school.
(c) She is unpredictable.
(d) She invited her.

3. What time of day does Hillary first see the elf village?
(a) Evening.
(b) Late night.
(c) Afternoon.
(d) Morning.

4. What does Hillary say the ferris wheel looks like when it spins?
(a) A kaleidoscope.
(b) A whirligig.
(c) A dream.
(d) A fanfare.

5. Why can't Hillary see the elves themselves?
(a) They are invisible.
(b) They camoflague well.
(c) They hide from people.
(d) They only come out at night.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Jane treat Sara-Kate?

2. What subject makes Sara-Kate lash out in anger?

3. What nick-name does Jane give Sara-Kate at school?

4. What does Alison say Sara-Kate stole?

5. For what do the elves use a bike wheel?

Short Essay Questions

1. What makes Sara-Kate seem more mature in Hillary's eyes?

2. What does Sara-Kate say the elves eat?

3. What is Hillary most impressed with when she sees the elf village?

4. What does Sara-Kate say elf language sounds like?

5. What causes Hillary to go into Sara-Kate's house?

6. What rumor is spread about Sara-Kate's father, and how does Hillary respond to this?

7. What does Hillary start to do when she sees some ruined houses in the elf village, and how does Sara-Kate respond?

8. What does Hillary's father spend most of his time at home doing, and why?

9. What is the only proof Hillary has that Sara-Kate lives with her mother?

10. What strikes Hillary as odd about her time at Sara-Kate's house?

(see the answer keys)

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