Afternoon of the Elves Multiple Choice Test Questions

Janet Taylor Lisle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Afternoon of the Elves Multiple Choice Test Questions

Janet Taylor Lisle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Afternoon of the Elves Lesson Plans

Chapters 1 and 2

1. What is Hillary's last name?
(a) Lenox.
(b) Lennor.
(c) Luxxon.
(d) Lexor.

2. Where is the elf village?
(a) Hillary's bedroom.
(b) The empty lot.
(c) Sara's back yard.
(d) A weed bramble.

3. What time of day does Hillary first see the elf village?
(a) Late night.
(b) Evening.
(c) Afternoon.
(d) Morning.

4. Who shows Hillary the elf village?
(a) Mary-Alice.
(b) Hillary's father.
(c) Sara-Kate.
(d) Nobody.

5. Why can't Hillary see the elves themselves?
(a) They are invisible.
(b) They camoflague well.
(c) They hide from people.
(d) They only come out at night.

6. What are elf houses built out of?
(a) All of these.
(b) Twigs.
(c) Weeds.
(d) Leaves.

7. Who/what does Hillary think made the elf village?
(a) Sara-Kate.
(b) Birds.
(c) Elves.
(d) Mice.

8. Why are Sara-Kate's clothes made fun of at school?
(a) They don't fit right.
(b) They are always wrinkled.
(c) They never match.
(d) They are dirty.

9. What is Sara-Kate's last name?
(a) Collin.
(b) Connolly.
(c) Conner.
(d) Colinnsy.

10. How is Hillary's home described?
(a) Scattered.
(b) Cluttered.
(c) Tidy.
(d) Sweet.

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