After Tupac and D Foster Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After Tupac and D Foster Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the three girls vow to do?
(a) Stay friends forever.
(b) Go to speak on Flo's behalf.
(c) Hide D.
(d) Write D every day.

2. What is it about the East Side train that makes the narrator and Neeka's family uneasy?
(a) Not knowing exactly where they are supposed to get off.
(b) The tracks are really rough.
(c) The train is full of white people.
(d) The train is swaying and making them a little seasick.

3. What does the narrator say about the evidence against Tupac for sexual assault?
(a) It is scanty.
(b) The narrator does not mention the evidence.
(c) It is overwhelming that the accuser is lying.
(d) It is overwhelming against Tuapc.

4. Where does D tell them they are going?
(a) No where.
(b) Back to her house after dinner.
(c) She does not tell them.
(d) D decides they should just stay in after dinner.

5. What does D learn that the court system has done?
(a) Approved Flo's adoption request.
(b) Revoked Flo's rights to be a foster mother.
(c) Decided to send D to her real father in another State.
(d) Approved D's real mother to take her.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does Tash expect to be out?

2. For how long is Tupac sentenced?

3. What is the narrator doing when she says she feels whole for the first time?

4. How does Randall resemble Tash?

5. What does Neeka's group share?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Tash do at church before he went to prison?

2. What does the narrator's mother give her for her birthday?

3. What happens in May with the narrator and how does she feel about it?

4. How does Miss Irene react to the photographer in Chapter 15?

5. What happens to Tupac after he recovers, how does the narrator feel about the evidence and to what does she relate it?

6. Who was Tash's music teacher and what did he think of Tash's playing?

7. What does Tash tell Jayjones about crime?

8. In Chapter 11, what does D ask the narrator and Neeka if they want to do, what is their response?

9. How does the narrator feel about the amphitheater and what do the girls do on the stage?

10. What does Tash look like when he comes into the visitation area and how does he act?

(see the answer keys)

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