After Tupac and D Foster Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After Tupac and D Foster Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Neeka think she cannot find in her family?
(a) A man who will tolerate them.
(b) Serenity.
(c) Her Big Purpose.
(d) Popularity.

2. Where do the girls make snow angels?
(a) In front of their house on the sidewalk.
(b) In the grass by the bus stop.
(c) In the snow on the stage.
(d) They do not since the snow is not heavy enough.

3. What does D learn that the court system has done?
(a) Revoked Flo's rights to be a foster mother.
(b) Approved Flo's adoption request.
(c) Approved D's real mother to take her.
(d) Decided to send D to her real father in another State.

4. To what does the narrator relate Tupac's arrest?
(a) To the arrest of others in Queens.
(b) To how slaves were brutalized.
(c) To Mandela's arrest.
(d) To Mahatma Gandhi's arrest.

5. What is one thing Jayjones says black people cannot do?
(a) Walk too fast.
(b) Attend church in peace.
(c) Sing in public.
(d) Look at a cop in the eyes.

6. What happens after Tupac recovers from being shot?
(a) He is sent to prison.
(b) He writes a rap song about racism and the justice system
(c) He moves to California.
(d) He decides to sue the girl who accuses him.

7. What quality does Neeka want to have?
(a) Sex appeal.
(b) She does not say.
(c) Wisdom.
(d) Integrity.

8. What does D ask the narrator and Neeka one Friday night?
(a) Why Neeka's mother looks down on her.
(b) If D can come over for dinner.
(c) If Tash was home yet.
(d) If they would like to roam with her.

9. How does Neeka think she could help Tash out of his legal problems?
(a) By helping him make better choices.
(b) By learning the law.
(c) She does not know.
(d) By writing her congress person.

10. What does the narrator say Tash has not lost?
(a) His depressed shuffling.
(b) Any weight.
(c) His swagger or energy.
(d) His stutter.

11. Why do some people take on D as a foster child?
(a) To abuse her.
(b) As a live in babysitter.
(c) To make her work and keep the house.
(d) For the government benefits.

12. Where do the girls walk?
(a) To the basement where the party is going on.
(b) The the cousin's neighbor's house.
(c) To a large amphitheater in the park.
(d) To an ice cream store.

13. What does the narrator say is the effect of Tash's music?
(a) The lyrics bothered a lot of people.
(b) It enlivened everyone.
(c) She does not mention Tash's music.
(d) It made ladies cry.

14. What does Neeka fear?
(a) Her mother finding out.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Being arrested.
(d) Being beaten or raped.

15. Who is Flo?
(a) Neeka's mother.
(b) A kind woman who does not want D for the government benefits.
(c) D's real mother.
(d) The narrator's mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Sly and the other man do at Randall's?

2. Why does going to a juvenile detention center seem appealing to Neeka?

3. Where do D, Neeka and the narrator get off the bus?

4. What happens to Tupac when Chapter 10 opens?

5. What do the three girls vow to do?

(see the answer keys)

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