After the First Death Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After the First Death Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens as they take the bus to a secure location?
(a) Kate is beaten because she won't be quiet.
(b) One of the children dies from the drugs in the candy.
(c) Artkin tries to beat one of the children.
(d) Miro gets in trouble for talking to Kate.

2. What is one thing the terrorists hope to gain from the hijacking?
(a) They wish to free political prisoners.
(b) Their own country to rule.
(c) They hope to get weapons.
(d) They want to get money.

3. What does Miro tell Kate about?
(a) About his brother.
(b) He tells her about his childhood.
(c) The memories he has of his mother.
(d) His missing father.

4. What does Kate wonder about in this section?
(a) Her job.
(b) Whether or not she can save the children.
(c) Her future.
(d) Her family.

5. What is the dead child's name?
(a) Kevin McMann.
(b) Charles McMann.
(c) Kevin Charles.
(d) Charles McCain.

6. Who is in charge with negotiations with the military?
(a) Michael Jedde.
(b) Artkin.
(c) Sedeete.
(d) The General.

7. Where is the bus taken?
(a) To the outside of the school.
(b) To an abandoned farmhouse.
(c) To an abandoned air field.
(d) To an abandoned railroad.

8. Why do they decide not to immediately kill the bus driver?
(a) She will be good leverage for keeping the children from revolting.
(b) They would like to kill her first.
(c) To keep the children calm.
(d) They want to take advatange of her sexually.

9. Why is Miro surprised when he meets the driver?
(a) Because she is a female no younger than himself.
(b) The driver is his age.
(c) The female driver pays him respect.
(d) The driver gives him a lot of attitude.

10. In Part 1, what is Ben anticipating?
(a) A meeting with a dean.
(b) A visit from his mother and father.
(c) A test he must take.
(d) A first date.

11. On what continent does the beginning of the novel take place?
(a) Europe.
(b) North America.
(c) Australia.
(d) Asia.

12. What does Miro admire about Artkin?
(a) His looks.
(b) His plan making ability.
(c) His ability to communicate with others.
(d) His intelligence.

13. What has Miro never seen?
(a) His father.
(b) His mother.
(c) This American city.
(d) His homeland.

14. Why is Miro concerned about the bus' location?
(a) He does not know how they will make outside contact with others.
(b) He thinks that they have set themsleves up for a trap.
(c) He thinks it will be easy for the hotsages to escape.
(d) There is no where to collect supplies.

15. Why did the hijackers want money?
(a) They need money to get back to their home country.
(b) To give money back to their government.
(c) To buy expensive things.
(d) To free some political prisoners.

Short Answer Questions

1. At what time should Artikin's action happen?

2. What has Raymond attempted to do to the hijackers?

3. What does Kate gain by Raymond's deception?

4. In this section, what does the reader begin to understand about Ben's story?

5. How are Miro and Ben alike in a sense?

(see the answer keys)

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