After the Dancing Days Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After the Dancing Days Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did a soldier tell Annie's family when he informed them that Uncle Paul had died?
(a) Uncle Paul was a hero and an example for his men.
(b) Uncle Paul was a deserter.
(c) Uncle Paul was wounded by friendly fire.
(d) Uncle Paul was captured by the Germans and killed.

2. How did Uncle Paul die?
(a) A gun discharged in his tent and wounded him fatally.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Measles.
(d) He was packing hand grenades and one exploded.

3. Why is there a conflict between Annie's parents now that Mrs. Metcalf has returned from her trip?
(a) That Annie's father still refuses to work at the county hospital.
(b) That Annie didn't keep up with the household chores while her mother was gone.
(c) That Annie's father allowed her to visit the hospital daily.
(d) That Annie didn't attend Sunday School while her mother was gone.

4. Why is Annie happy when she goes home the evening that she and Father go to St. John's?
(a) Her father asked her to assist him.
(b) Andrew kisses the top of her head.
(c) Everyone at St. John's enjoys her cookies.
(d) The nuns are very pleased with her work.

5. As the days pass since her grandparents and mother left, what does Annie begin to dread?
(a) Visiting Andrew and Timothy.
(b) Learning more about Uncle Paul's death.
(c) The beginning of another school year.
(d) Her mother's return.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mrs. Crayton visit Annie after school starts?

2. After Grandfather sends a letter about Uncle Paul's medals, what does Annie decide to do?

3. Why doesn't Annie visit the hospital a few days after she receives Grandfather's letter?

4. Why does Annie's mother finally allow Annie to continue visiting St. John's even though Annie lied when her mother was gone on her trip?

5. Why didn't Uncle Paul die in battle on June 6?

Short Essay Questions

1. The evening Annie and her father visit St. John's in the evening, what makes Annie's father realize how much she has grown since he has been gone?

2. Why doesn't Annie go to Colorado?

3. Grandfather has had a heart attack. How is Grandfather doing and what is the plan to help him get well?

4. How did Lieutenant McFarland describe Uncle Paul and his death?

5. Why was it so important to Annie that Uncle Paul had listened to her?

6. Why was Ruth so pleased about the dinner invitation?

7. Grandfather visits St. John's for the first time since his heart attack. Why does Annie's mother drive Annie and Grandfather to St. John's?

8. How do Annie and Emily put their differences behind them after Grandfather's heart attack?

9. What do Mrs. Metcalf and Annie find unfair about everything that has happened concerning Uncle Paul's death and how he died?

10. Why doesn't starting high school scare Annie?

(see the answer keys)

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