After the Affair Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Janis Abrahms Spring
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After the Affair Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Janis Abrahms Spring
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the fundamental difference between the hurt and unfaithful partners' reactions to the affair?
(a) The relgious beliefs of the unfaithful partner may be devastated.
(b) The personal identity of the hurt partner may be unaffected.
(c) The sense of self of the unfaithful partner may have benefited.
(d) The sense of self-respect of the hurt partner may be strengthened.

2. Connecting with friends and family in the wake of an affair is perceived how by the hurt partner?
(a) Tenuous and slow.
(b) Easy and necessary.
(c) Difficult and painful.
(d) Instant and deep.

3. Why would the hurt partner feel as if they are disposable?
(a) They regret the time lost with their partner.
(b) They compare themselves to the lover.
(c) They lose the sense of being special.
(d) They cannot accurately express their emotions.

4. After an affair is discovered, how is the personal identity of hurt partner affected?
(a) It is stabilized.
(b) It is recreated.
(c) It is lost.
(d) It is improved.

5. The author of the book can be described in which way?
(a) A woman with no formal training.
(b) A woman with an advanced degree.
(c) A man with a religious background.
(d) A man with a medical degree.

6. If the hurt partner chooses to remain with the unfaithful partner even though the relationship is dysfunctional, which term described this type of love?
(a) Unbelievable.
(b) Unjustified.
(c) Unforgiveable.
(d) Unrequited.

7. When some hurt partners discover the affair, they feel an emotional toll equal or greater to which event?
(a) Being fired from a job.
(b) Getting into a car accident.
(c) Being raped.
(d) Losing a child.

8. If a hurt partner attempts to win back the unfaithful partner, what is the psychological effect on the hurt partner?
(a) They lose their will to try in the relationship.
(b) They are angry at the lover.
(c) They lose their sense of self-respect.
(d) They are devastated by the affair.

9. How is the religious faith of hurt partners affected after an affair?
(a) They convert to a different religion.
(b) They find solace in church.
(c) They blame God for their suffering.
(d) They reject the sacredness of marriage.

10. The unfaithful partner may experience physical changes from romantic love that can be expected to last how long?
(a) A short time.
(b) Throughout the affair.
(c) The rest of their life.
(d) When they're with their lover.

11. Most relationships begin with which emotion?
(a) Uncontrollable desire.
(b) Passionate lust.
(c) Romantic love.
(d) Deep friendship.

12. The most fundamental situation faced by the partners in a marriage post-affair is which of the following?
(a) How to regain sexual intimacy.
(b) How to forgive and forget.
(c) How to recommit to the marriage.
(d) How to trust again.

13. Women typically view an affair in which way compared with men?
(a) Fun and distracting.
(b) Sad and lonely.
(c) Complicating and difficult.
(d) Healthy and necessary.

14. What is one of the main purposes of the introduction?
(a) To explain how affairs begin.
(b) To establish themes of the book.
(c) To create interest in the text.
(d) To advise the reader in their relationship.

15. After making a difficult decision between the hurt partner and the lover, the unfaithful partner may begin to doubt what about themselves?
(a) Their sexual confidence.
(b) Their personal identity.
(c) Their decision.
(d) Their feelings.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the unfaithful partner feel about moving forward in marriage relationship?

2. If a partner exhibits signs of change, how could the other partner view this change?

3. If the disenchantment felt in an aging relationship is mismanaged, it can lead to which result?

4. While hurt female partners typically become depressed, how do male hurt partners typically react?

5. Why does the author deliberately chose particular words and phrases to use in the book?

(see the answer keys)

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