The Aeneid Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Aeneid Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. To which goddess is Camilla dedicated?

2. What does Virgil do to prepare to talk about the warfare between the Trojans and the Rutulians?

3. Who does the queen of Latium want her daughter to marry?

4. Who does Venus want to keep safe by removing him or her from the war between the Trojans and Latins?

5. At the beginning of Book XI, how does Turnus say he wants to settle the conflict?

Short Essay Questions

1. What arguments does Sacës use to persuade Turnus to return to the fight?

2. What does Evander mean when he tells Aeneas that Aeneas must have the courage to shape himself to fit through the low doorway into Evander's humble home, besides the literal fact that Aeneas is too tall to walk through the doorway without stooping a bit?

3. Why is it significant that in Latinum, Aeneas and some of his followers eat the wheaten cakes they were using as plates for their meal?

4. Under what conditions does Jupiter allow Juno to remove Turnus from the fight?

5. How does Jupiter become involved with the war in Book XI, and does this seem fair after he said before in Book X about being the same king to both Trojans and Rutulians?

6. What does Evander tell Aeneas about Latin history?

7. What are some actions that demonstrate the strong friendship between Nisus and Euryalus?

8. Did Nisus and Euryalus act wisely when attempting to carry out their mission? Why or why not?

9. Who are the princes referred to in the book title, how do they die, and why might their deaths be particularly significant?

10. Describe Latinus' actions once he sees his people fighting with the Trojans.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

How are the gods and goddesses similar to and different from the human characters? Are they more moral? Wiser? More powerful? Address these questions as part of an essay on what kind of "people" the divine characters are.

Essay Topic 2

What role do the Muses play in the telling of this tale? When and why does Virgil call upon them? Upon which particular Muses does he rely?

Essay Topic 3

One of the main characteristics of epic poems such as The Aeneid (and The Iliad and The Odyssey) is that the poem starts "in medias res," or in the middle of the action. The narrative then reveals information about what came before through various means, such as characters telling tales of the past or the narrator providing background. Discuss how this work begins in the middle, what information the reader is eventually given about what happened before, how this information is provided, and what effect this structure has on the experience of reading the poem.

(see the answer keys)

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