The Aeneid Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Aeneid Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Venus use to convince her husband Vulcan to make armor for Aeneas?
(a) Tears.
(b) Threats of Jupiter's anger.
(c) Cool reason.
(d) The flame of love.

2. Why does Aeneas trust he can approach Evander safely as a supplicant?
(a) They are related through their ancestors.
(b) Cupid has gone before him and won Evander over.
(c) A white pig in a dream tells him he can.
(d) Evander is an enemy to Juno.

3. For what purpose does Virgil invoke Erato, the Muse of Desire?
(a) To help him retell the history of the early kings of Latium.
(b) To help him describe the goddess Circe.
(c) To help him talk about how Aeneas still mourned for Dido.
(d) To help him woo the goddess Venus.

4. Who does Aeneas convince to pledge to fight with him?
(a) The Rutulians.
(b) Jupiter.
(c) The Etruscans.
(d) Juno.

5. What had Jupiter forbidden to happen?
(a) Lavinia and Aeneas to marry.
(b) The Trojans to hole up in their camp.
(c) Italy and the Trojans to go to war with each other.
(d) Aeneas to ally with the Arcadians.

Short Answer Questions

1. What false portent does Juturna send the Rutulians?

2. How is Queen Amata turned thoroughly against the idea of Aeneas marrying her daughter Lavinia?

3. For what does Juno blame Aeneas in regard to the current conflict?

4. Which of the following is NOT one of the examples that Venus lists of ways that Juno ignored Jupiter's will and tried to form new destinies for men?

5. What does Aeneas promise to the Italians if he wins his fight with Turnus?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is it significant that in Latinum, Aeneas and some of his followers eat the wheaten cakes they were using as plates for their meal?

2. How does Jupiter become involved with the war in Book XI, and does this seem fair after he said before in Book X about being the same king to both Trojans and Rutulians?

3. What does Jupiter mean when he says that to everyone (Trojan or Rutulian), he is the same king?

4. Did Nisus and Euryalus act wisely when attempting to carry out their mission? Why or why not?

5. What does Evander tell Aeneas about Latin history?

6. Why does Juno send Juturna to interfere with the war?

7. What arguments does Sacës use to persuade Turnus to return to the fight?

8. What is the difference between what Arruns prays for and what he actually receives?

9. How does Venus use references to the Trojan War when meeting with Jupiter at the beginning of Book X?

10. Why would Aeneas' shield be covered with the deeds of his descendants?

(see the answer keys)

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