The Aeneid Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Aeneid Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who dies at the end of Book 3?
(a) Anchises.
(b) Polyphemus.
(c) Achaemenidës.
(d) Helenus.

2. Who will bury Palinurus' body?
(a) Somnus.
(b) Aeneas.
(c) People who live near where his body washed up.
(d) Iulus.

3. What is the job of the Sibyl?
(a) To guard a special cave entrance.
(b) To advise people on what jobs to take.
(c) To tell people what will happen.
(d) To give directions on where to go.

4. What prize is Nisus given by Aeneas?
(a) sturdy shoes.
(b) A new boat.
(c) A vial of precious oil.
(d) A shield.

5. How do the Danaans get inside the walls of Troy?
(a) The Trojans carry the horse inside and Sinon lets the soldiers inside it out.
(b) The Trojans move the horse next to their walls and the soldiers use it as a ladder.
(c) The Danaans are still unable to breach the walls of Troy.
(d) While the Trojans are busy looking at the horse, the Danaans storm the front gates of Troy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does King Iarbas pray to Jove/Jupiter?

2. What kind of countryman is Achaemenidës?

3. How did Polydorus die?

4. What happens when souls are destined to be reborn in a second body?

5. What does Aeneas promise to do if the gods grant his wish?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why might the Trojan women have been tempted to set fire to the ships even without Juno and Iris befuddling them?

2. How does Aeneas fare as a leader in Book III? Support your answer with examples from the text.

3. Why is Juno so angry with the Trojans?

4. Why should Aeneas not have tried to found a city in Thrace?

5. What is the problem with Aeneas remaining in Carthage?

6. Explain how Deïphobus died and why his body is mutilated.

7. What does Jupiter predict will be the destiny of the Trojans?

8. Compare and contrast the Greeks with the Trojans in the affair of the wooden horse.

9. What fate does Laocoön meet and why?

10. What ties Aeneas and his people to the land to which they are headed to settle?

(see the answer keys)

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