The Aeneid Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Aeneid Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do seers say it means when Lavinia's hair glows with divine fire?
(a) That she be taken up to Olympus to wed a god.
(b) That she will die by fire.
(c) That she will be famous and receive glory, but also bring war on her people.
(d) That she is destined to become the next Sibyl.

2. Who is Aeneas told will be willing to fight with him against the Latins?
(a) King Latinus and his Latins.
(b) Jupiter.
(c) Turnus and his Etruscans.
(d) King Evander and his Arcadians.

3. Why does Aeneas lose his temper and kill Turnus instead of showing mercy?
(a) Jupiter commands him to do so.
(b) He knows he will never have peace as long as Turnus lives.
(c) He sees Turnus wearing Pallas' swordbelt.
(d) Allecto plants anger in his heart.

4. Who does Aeneas convince to pledge to fight with him?
(a) The Rutulians.
(b) The Etruscans.
(c) Juno.
(d) Jupiter.

5. Who appears to Aeneas in a dream to tell him where to find people willing to ally themselves with the Trojans against the Latins?
(a) Tiberinus, the river god of the Tiber.
(b) Allecto, who hopes to lead him astray.
(c) Venus, to help her son.
(d) Anchises, to confirm for Aeneas that he is in the right place.

6. How does Juturna cause unrest in the ranks of the Rutulians?
(a) Disguised as Turnus, she orders them to attack Aeneas once he is on his own.
(b) Disguised as Juno, she exorts them to fight like men.
(c) Disguised as Camers, she encourages them to think that they outnumber the Trojans and that they must fight to keep from being enslaved.
(d) Disguised as Lavinia, she pleads with them to fight to save her from Aeneas.

7. How is Turnus spurred to make war on both King Latinus and the Trojans?
(a) Jupiter visits him and promises to help him defeat them both.
(b) Allecto plants a smoking torch in his body that fills him with a lust for war.
(c) Bacchus intoxicates his mind.
(d) Vulcan supplies him with weapons that cannot be defeated.

8. With whose funeral does Book VII open?
(a) Caieta.
(b) Misenus.
(c) Anchises.
(d) Palinurus.

9. What is one of Juno's arguments for why it was right for her to have helped the Rutulians?
(a) The Rutulians made all the right sacrifices to her.
(b) Other gods helped Aeneas by spiriting him to safety and turning his ships into nymphs.
(c) The Rutulians are fated to rule, and she is just helping them fulfill that fate.
(d) She is spending an equal amount of time helping Aeneas.

10. What does Jupiter promise Juno about the Latin folk?
(a) They will be allowed to keep their language and way of life.
(b) They will be allowed to leave the land freely.
(c) They will win the day and turn the Trojans from their land.
(d) They will adopt all Trojan customs and ways.

11. At the beginning of Book XI, how does Turnus say he wants to settle the conflict?
(a) He pretends that he thinks that the Rutulians should surrender.
(b) He wants to meet with the Trojans and write a treaty.
(c) He wants to meet Aeneas in single combat.
(d) He wants to continue to fight until every last Trojan is dead.

12. Why does Turnus think he can beat Aeneas in single combat?
(a) Because Venus will not be allowed to intervene.
(b) Because Juno will fight alongside him.
(c) Because Jupiter has decreed that he will win.
(d) Because Lavinia promises to help him.

13. What betrays the presence of Euryalus to the enemy?
(a) The noise of the clanking of the booty he has taken from Turnus' camp.
(b) A snapping twig under his feet.
(c) The gleam of his helmet in the moonlight.
(d) Allecto directing their attention to him.

14. Who is Aeneas mourning at the beginning of Book XI?
(a) Lausus.
(b) Evander.
(c) Mezentius.
(d) Pallas.

15. Who kills Pallas?
(a) Lausus.
(b) Jupiter.
(c) Camilla.
(d) Turnus.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what does Juno blame Aeneas in regard to the current conflict?

2. What does Aeneas promise to the Italians if he wins his fight with Turnus?

3. Who does Venus want to keep safe by removing him or her from the war between the Trojans and Latins?

4. Who is sent by Juno to Turnus at the beginning of Book IX to tell him now is the time to attack the Trojans?

5. What is Iulus' first feat of arms?

(see the answer keys)

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