The Aeneid Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Aeneid Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when souls are destined to be reborn in a second body?
(a) They must sneak past Charon.
(b) They must craft new bodies for themselves.
(c) They must drink from the water of Lethe to forget their memories.
(d) They must petition the kind of the underworld to be reborn.

2. Who tells Aeneas he is in Carthage?
(a) Venus.
(b) Dido.
(c) Achates.
(d) Juno.

3. What does the fake Iulus make Dido forget?
(a) The counsel of her sister.
(b) Her responsibilities as queen.
(c) Her duty to help Aeneas.
(d) The memory of her dead husband, Sychaeus.

4. Who dies at the end of Book 3?
(a) Helenus.
(b) Achaemenidës.
(c) Anchises.
(d) Polyphemus.

5. What is remarkable about the boxing gloves of Eryx?
(a) They are heavy and huge.
(b) He left them to his half-brother, Aeneas.
(c) They are unused.
(d) He had a rule that no one could use them but him.

6. What does Aeneas ask the gods through the Sibyl?
(a) He wants revenge on those who ruined Troy.
(b) He wants his father brought back to life.
(c) He wants help rebuilding the original Troy.
(d) He wants to settle peacefully in Latium.

7. Which of the following is NOT a reason why Anna thinks Dido should make a match with Aeneas?
(a) Their brother could find and attack them in the future.
(b) Dido should enjoy love and children.
(c) It is Jupiter's will.
(d) Dido's lands are surrounded by hostile people.

8. Who warns the Trojans not to trust in the wooden horse the Danaans left behind?
(a) Thymoetes.
(b) Tenedos.
(c) Achilles.
(d) Laocoön.

9. Why does Venus at first think Juno's idea to have Dido and Aeneas marry and rule Carthage side by side is a bad one?
(a) She does not want Italy's future power diverted to Carthage.
(b) She does not think their love will last.
(c) She wants Aeneas to be the sole ruler of Carthage.
(d) She does not think it fair to Dido to make her rule with Aeneas.

10. How does Dido kill herself?
(a) With poison.
(b) By drowning.
(c) With a sword.
(d) With a lion bite.

11. How does Aeneas put out the burning Trojan ships after the Trojan women set them on fire?
(a) He must let the fire burn out on its own.
(b) He asks Neptune to cover the ships with tall waves.
(c) He calls on Aeolus to blow the fire out.
(d) He prays to Jupiter and a storm comes.

12. What does Dido tell Aeneas she will do after he leaves?
(a) Construct a temple in his honor.
(b) Haunt him as a spirit after she dies.
(c) Follow him to kill him.
(d) Marry a neighboring king to keep her lands safe.

13. Who sends Iris to talk to the mourning Trojan women?
(a) Juno.
(b) Jupiter.
(c) Aeneas.
(d) Dido's ghost.

14. Why are Aeneas and his people supposed to settle in Hesperia?
(a) The Greeks will never be able to find and attack them there.
(b) They only have enough food to make it that far.
(c) It is their true home, the land from which the forefathers of their people came.
(d) It is Venus' land and she promises it to them.

15. Who is Andromache's new husband?
(a) Apollo.
(b) Pyrrhus.
(c) Orestes.
(d) Helenus.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jupiter want from Aeneas?

2. Which of the following is NOT an effect of Dido's love for Aeneas?

3. What does Jupiter predict awaits Aeneas in Italy?

4. Who does Venus send to Carthage disguised as Aeneas' son?

5. What important things has Aeneas carried with him from Troy?

(see the answer keys)

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