The Aeneid Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Aeneid Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What atrocity does Pyrrhus commit in front of Priam?
(a) He takes away Priam's sword.
(b) He sets fire to a holy altar.
(c) He claims to be Priam's son.
(d) He murders Priam's son.

2. Who is a figure from Greek and Roman mythology NOT depicted in the temple of Apollo?
(a) Androgeos.
(b) Minotaur.
(c) Pasiphaë.
(d) Icarus.

3. Why did Dido's people take on a peaceful mood toward Aeneas' people?
(a) They were visited by Mercury.
(b) Queen Dido commanded them to welcome all new visitors.
(c) They had heard great things about the Trojans from the Greeks.
(d) They were well known for always welcoming new people.

4. Which of the following is NOT a type of funeral game?
(a) Javelin and archery contests.
(b) A chariot race.
(c) A foot race.
(d) A ship race.

5. Which of the following is not an effect that Dido says has been caused by her love affair with Aeneas?
(a) She is stuck with his child to raise.
(b) She has lost her integrity.
(c) Her own people hate her.
(d) Libyans and nomad kings hate her.

6. Which of the following is NOT an effect of Dido's love for Aeneas?
(a) Dido persuades Aeneas to help her people build better ships.
(b) Dido presses herself against the couch where Aeneas sat.
(c) All construction of the city of Carthage stops.
(d) Dido keeps holding Ascanius on her lap because he looks like Aeneas.

7. From whom will Julius Caesar get his name?
(a) Aeneas' sister, Ilia.
(b) Aeneas' son Ascanius, renamed Iulus.
(c) Aeneas' daughter Creusa, renamed Julia.
(d) Aeneas' grandfather, Ilium.

8. How does Aeneas put out the burning Trojan ships after the Trojan women set them on fire?
(a) He asks Neptune to cover the ships with tall waves.
(b) He prays to Jupiter and a storm comes.
(c) He must let the fire burn out on its own.
(d) He calls on Aeolus to blow the fire out.

9. For whom does Aeneas return to Troy to search?
(a) His mother, Venus.
(b) His sworn enemy, Sinon.
(c) His dead king Priam's body.
(d) His wife, Creusa.

10. On what do the gods take oaths that they fear to break?
(a) Charon's boat.
(b) The river Styx.
(c) The Sibyl.
(d) The golden bough.

11. Who will not be a descendant of Aeneas' line?
(a) Romulus.
(b) Remus.
(c) Mars.
(d) Ilia.

12. What does Sinon say is the purpose of the big wooden horse?
(a) It is meant to be fuel for a bonfire when the Danaans return to destroy Troy.
(b) It is an offering to apologize for stealing the Palladium.
(c) It is a gift to tell the Trojans they are sorry for attacking Troy.
(d) It is a lighthouse to guide the Danaan ships back to Troy.

13. What is Aetna?
(a) A large river.
(b) A huge waterfall.
(c) A volcano.
(d) A geyser that sprays from the ground.

14. What prize is Nisus given by Aeneas?
(a) A shield.
(b) sturdy shoes.
(c) A vial of precious oil.
(d) A new boat.

15. Of what is Helenus' city a replica?
(a) Troy.
(b) Sparta.
(c) Italy.
(d) Crete.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who will bury Palinurus' body?

2. How does Cloanthus win the boat race during the funeral games?

3. What kind of countryman is Achaemenidës?

4. What does Anchises pray to the gods for?

5. Why does Palinurus fall overboard?

(see the answer keys)

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