The Aeneid Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Aeneid Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sinon say will happen if the Trojans violate the wooden horse?
(a) They will face the wrath of the goddess Minerva.
(b) They will win the favor of the god Pallas.
(c) They will win the war against the Danaans.
(d) Nothing.

2. What does Dido tell Aeneas she will do after he leaves?
(a) Follow him to kill him.
(b) Marry a neighboring king to keep her lands safe.
(c) Haunt him as a spirit after she dies.
(d) Construct a temple in his honor.

3. What does Aeneas see depicted on the walls of the temple that the people of Carthage are building?
(a) A map to the underworld.
(b) Portraits of monsters such as the Harpies and the Cyclops.
(c) Scenes of the Trojan War.
(d) Pictures of the gods and goddesses quarreling in Olympus.

4. What do the crowd of refugees expect from Aeneas?
(a) They want him to apologize for letting Troy fall.
(b) They want him to lead them by sea to new lands.
(c) They want him to lead them in a prayer of thanks for their escape.
(d) They want him to train them in battle so they can fight the Danaans better.

5. What does Sinon say is the purpose of the big wooden horse?
(a) It is meant to be fuel for a bonfire when the Danaans return to destroy Troy.
(b) It is a gift to tell the Trojans they are sorry for attacking Troy.
(c) It is a lighthouse to guide the Danaan ships back to Troy.
(d) It is an offering to apologize for stealing the Palladium.

Short Answer Questions

1. After first meeting Dido, what does Aeneas send for from his ships?

2. Who leads Aeneas to the golden bough?

3. Why do the Trojan women set fire to the Trojan ships in Book V?

4. How did Polydorus die?

5. Who calms the ocean so Aeneas and his men can make it safely to land?

(see the answer key)

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