The Aeneid Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Aeneid Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sinon say will happen if the Trojans violate the wooden horse?
(a) They will win the war against the Danaans.
(b) They will face the wrath of the goddess Minerva.
(c) They will win the favor of the god Pallas.
(d) Nothing.

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why Anna thinks Dido should make a match with Aeneas?
(a) Dido should enjoy love and children.
(b) It is Jupiter's will.
(c) Dido's lands are surrounded by hostile people.
(d) Their brother could find and attack them in the future.

3. Why has Dido turned her face against remarriage?
(a) She must wait until her sister Anna gets married first.
(b) She does not want any man taking over her kingdom.
(c) She is pledged to Diana.
(d) Her brother killed her last husband.

4. What is Aetna?
(a) A volcano.
(b) A large river.
(c) A geyser that sprays from the ground.
(d) A huge waterfall.

5. Why does King Iarbas pray to Jove/Jupiter?
(a) He wants Juno to stop bothering his country.
(b) He wants counsel about how best to attack Dido's lands while she is distracted with Aeneas.
(c) He is angry that after he gave Dido land for her city, she has taken up with someone else.
(d) He is good friends with Dido and wants Jupiter to protect her new love.

Short Answer Questions

1. What atrocity does Pyrrhus commit in front of Priam?

2. What does the plague that descends on the new city Aeneas founds at Pergamum tell the settlers?

3. Which of the following is NOT something Helenus advises Aeneas and his followers to do?

4. What does the fake Iulus make Dido forget?

5. What hides Aeneas' identity as he travels through Carthage?

(see the answer key)

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