The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Widow Douglas say she will do for Huck?
(a) put him in her will
(b) take care of him and give him money to start in business
(c) get him a fishing boat and equipment to become a fisherman
(d) buy him a house, new clothes, and furniture

2. How far away from the cave entrance are Becky and Tom when they emerge?
(a) ten miles
(b) three miles
(c) 50 feet
(d) five miles

3. How does Judge Frazer let Tom down?
(a) He gets sick and so will miss Fourth of July.
(b) He dies before telling Tom the secret Tom's waiting for.
(c) He leaves the town without giving word.
(d) He dies, just when Tom thought he was getting well.

4. Why does Tom join the Cadets of Temperance?
(a) He wants to impress Becky.
(b) He's decided to turn over a new leaf.
(c) His aunt makes him.
(d) He likes their uniforms.

5. Who is the first friend who agrees to go hunting for treasure with Tom?
(a) Huck Finn
(b) Jeff Thatcher
(c) Joe Harper
(d) Ben Rogers

6. What reason does Tom give Becky for his shout, when he sees Injun Joe?
(a) He says he wanted to hear the echo.
(b) He says he shouted for luck.
(c) He says he thought he saw a searcher.
(d) He says he was scared by a bat.

7. When Tom awakens the next morning, what does he think of his and Huck's adventure in the haunted house?
(a) He's afraid it's a dream.
(b) He has thought of a scheme to get the treasure.
(c) He's decided to give up on the treasure.
(d) He's thought of a scheme to capture Injun Joe.

8. Before the trial, does any of the town gossip speculate that Muff Potter is innocent?
(a) Yes, a few people won't believe that Muff is a killer.
(b) Yes, a large number of people are skeptical that Muff is a murderer.
(c) No, everyone in town thinks Muff is a murderer.
(d) No, but many people find it hard to believe Muff is a murderer.

9. Why does Tom blow out Becky's candle?
(a) to save their candles for the future
(b) to stop Becky from starting a fire
(c) to scare Becky with the darkness
(d) on accident, while he is blowing a bug away

10. What color is the schoolmaster's bald head, when the pranksters cause a cat to snatch his wig away?
(a) blue
(b) red
(c) black
(d) gold

11. What does Tom say the Widow Douglas has for children?
(a) ice cream
(b) candy
(c) soda
(d) pie

12. What is Judge Thatcher's feeling toward Tom?
(a) admiration
(b) annoyance
(c) jealousy
(d) anger

13. What is in the first closet Huck and Tom search in the haunted house?
(a) a pile of cobwebs
(b) nothing
(c) a cat
(d) a bricked up door

14. What does Tom threaten to do if Huck runs away from the Widow Douglas?
(a) not allow Huck to be in his gang
(b) confiscate Huck's half of the treasure
(c) tell where Huck's hideout is
(d) put a hex on Huck

15. What was the schoolmaster's unfulfilled goal?
(a) to be the mayor
(b) to be a lawyer
(c) to be an actor
(d) to be a doctor

Short Answer Questions

1. What prevented Injun Joe's capture at the Widow Douglas' house?

2. What is Tom's attitude when he first takes the stand?

3. By Monday morning, what do the men searching the cave send word to town for?

4. What illness does Tom contract during vacation?

5. What had Joe found in the cave to eat?

(see the answer keys)

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