Adrift: Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

Steven Callahan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Adrift: Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

Steven Callahan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Callahan estimates that he is eighteen days from ___________ so he rations out his food in order to make it the duration of the trip.
(a) Hawaii.
(b) Barbados.
(c) Montenegro.
(d) Antigua.

2. What does Callahan improvise with a length of tubing, a part of the blanket, and some twine?
(a) A tent.
(b) A funnel.
(c) A signalling device.
(d) A basket.

3. What does Callahan decide to do when anticipates a trial filled landfall in a few hours?
(a) Sing.
(b) Plot his course.
(c) Get some sleep.
(d) Turn on the EPIRB.

4. Callahan begins to note the new _____________ in his new vicinity and location, which makes him curious as to where he is.
(a) Smells.
(b) Temperatures.
(c) Weather patterns.
(d) Wildlife.

5. Callahan even creates a contraption which might collect drinking water from the ______________.
(a) Fish's insides.
(b) The tarp.
(c) The wet sleeping bag.
(d) Misty air.

6. Callahan believes that the water traffic will begin to pick up once he gets on the belt between Brazil and __________.
(a) Cozumel.
(b) Florida.
(c) The Andes.
(d) Hawaii.

7. The drying stores of meat in the boat sag down to the floor, causing them to turn rancid because of the _____________.
(a) Position.
(b) Salt.
(c) Moisture.
(d) Weather.

8. Callahan watches from a distance as __________ bring fresh water to the ocean, although he can not get to it.
(a) Clouds.
(b) Birds.
(c) Storms.
(d) Fishes.

9. Later, Callahan accidentally punches a hole in the ___________ of the boat, although he fixes it quickly.
(a) Tube.
(b) Floor.
(c) Top.
(d) Side.

10. Callahan uses loops of ___________ to help fix the speargun that he has cracked over time and with repeated use.
(a) Rubber.
(b) Clothing.
(c) Tape.
(d) Rope.

11. At dinner, Callahan eats a large amount of ____________ food, surprising everyone with the appetite he has.
(a) American.
(b) Creole.
(c) Raw.
(d) Indian.

12. Callahan scans the horizon for __________ while being haunted by thoughts of food and drink.
(a) Ships.
(b) Clouds.
(c) Sunlight.
(d) Land.

13. Since he is thirsty enough, Callahan decides to drink water from the ____________, although it makes him sick.
(a) Canopy.
(b) Coffee can.
(c) Bottom of the boat.
(d) Ocean.

14. What Callahan did not know is that the Coast Guard did not list the Napoleon Solo as __________ since another ship was found.
(a) Destroyed.
(b) Present.
(c) Missing.
(d) Lost.

15. Where does Callahan want to go in order to get his mail before he flies back to Maine?
(a) Spain.
(b) Orlando.
(c) Antigua.
(d) Portugal.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is suddenly mixed in with the water Callahan has been trying to collect in the canopy?

2. When Callahan looks at his sextant, he decides that he is too far __________ in his journey's plans.

3. Why do Callahan's legs continue to swell up when he walks, though he has been told to rest more?

4. What decides to loiter around the boat, causing Callahan to have troubles sleeping one night while he is already thirst and depressed?

5. Callahan answers a number of questions of the __________ consul before finally getting some rest in the hospital.

(see the answer keys)

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