Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What concerns Hornblower about Cambronne's possible destination and purpose?

2. To what is the sea anchor attached?

3. What will break the restraint on the sea anchor?

4. What was the one thing Hornblower had not planned upon?

5. What does Hornblower hope?

Short Essay Questions

1. What would enable Fell to profit by the capture of the Estrella del Sur and by how much would he profit?

2. Describe Fell's decision regarding the Estrella del Sur and the result of the decision.

3. How does Hornblower encounter the Estrella del Sur's captain and what does Hornblower do?

4. What does Sharpe tell Hornblower about who has hired the Daring.

5. What does Hornblower tell Cambronne when Hornblower boards the Daring?

6. What is the political situation at San Juan and how does this prevent any further action against the Estrella del Sur?

7. How large is the fleet Rear Admiral Hornblower commands and why is his flagship one of the lesser vessels?

8. How does Hornblower discreetly inform Fell of a possible plan to capture the Estrella del Sur and what is Fell's reaction?

9. Where has Cambronne actually gone and what prevents Hornblower from following him immediately?

10. How do Fell and Hornblower differ on whether the Estrella's capture is still possible and why would that be so devastating to Fell? What does Hornblower decide to do?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Loyalty is demonstrated in a number of ways, as is the lack of loyalty. Discuss the following:

1. How do you define loyalty? Is the ability and desire to be loyal an admirable trait in humans? Why or why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being loyal to a person? Cause? Country? Idea? What of those who are loyal to something no matter what they learn about that person, thing, ideal, country, etc., in other words, blind loyalty.

2. Discuss and analyze Hornblower's tendency to be loyal. Is it always warranted? Wise? Earned? What situation in Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies show Hornblower's loyalty at its most ideal? Do you feel that Hornblower is a loyal British subject? Friend? Husband? Comrade? Discuss each situation.

3. Cambronne is also loyal to his (former) emperor, Napoleon. Is Cambronne's loyalty wise? Earned? Idealistic? Compare Cambronne's loyalty to Napoleon with some aspect of Hornblower's loyalty.

4. Why do you think Ned Johnson is unable to command any loyalty from the band of men and women he attempts to lead? What could he have done differently to gain their loyalty?

Essay Topic 2

Slavery and domination is a theme that runs throughout Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies. Discuss one of the following:

1. What is Hornblower's attitude towards slavery? Give examples to support your stance. Do you think his attitude is due to the attitude of England at this time or a result of his own thinking on the subject? Are his views on slavery admirable? Despicable? Or something in between.

2. How do you think men such as the Captain of the Estrella del Sur justify making a living by transporting humans into slavery? Do you think England does the right thing in declaring all slave ships subject to seizure on the high seas regardless of nationality? Why or why not?

3. Though slavery is outlawed by many of the nations in this time, many of those same nations saw no incongruity with outlawing slavery but colonizing weaker nations and in a sense enslaving their native peoples.How would you judge these nations that outlaw slavery but colonize unwilling nations? Why do you think these powerful nations did not see the hypocrisy of their actions?

Essay Topic 3

Characters are an integral and important part of almost all novels. Discuss one of the following:

1. Compare/contrast the characters of Cambronne and Ramsbottom. How are both idealists? Is there a flaw in each of theirs idealism? Is either man's cause more worthy than the other? Do you think Hornblower is more sympathetic towards the cause of one of the men compared to the other? Why? Be specific and give examples.

2. Compare/contrast the characters of Governor Hooper and Cloudesley Sharpe. Compare the physical description of the two and how the physical description gives some clue as to their personalities. Who seems more reliable? Who seems to take his responsibilities more seriously? With whom would you rather work? Be specific and give examples.

3. Thoroughly analyze how three of the secondary characters help drive the plot and what their contribution is to the storyline. Are any of the secondary characters unnecessary? Indispensable? Which of the secondary characters are likable? Which are either unlikable or even despicable? Be specific and give examples. (Consider Fell, Mr. Hough, Lucy Hough, Spendlove, Ned Johnson, Hudnutt, Lady Barbara Hornblower, and Governor Hooper as secondary characters for the purpose of this essay topic.)

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