Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Final Test - Easy

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Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Mr. Hough?
(a) One of the midshipmen on the Clorinda.
(b) Hornblower's quartermaster.
(c) A wealthy local businessman and Jamaican planter.
(d) The secretary to the English diplomat in Jamaica.

2. What surprises Hornblower about Ramsbottom?
(a) He is quite diminuative in stature.
(b) He dresses like a peasant.
(c) He is eminently likable and affable.
(d) He is a giant of a man.

3. What does Hornblower climb?
(a) The balustrade inside the ball room to retrieve a cat.
(b) The mast of the Clorinda to show new recruits how to do so.
(c) The garden wall.
(d) A dangling rope ladder.

4. Who engages Hooper and Hornblower in animated conversation?
(a) Ramsbottom.
(b) Dutch and Spanish ministers.
(c) The French ambassador.
(d) The Portuguese ambassador.

5. Where does the waterfall end?
(a) In the ocean.
(b) A few feet down into a shallow stream.
(c) It is impossible to tell from where Hornblower is sitting.
(d) In a deep pool and river at the base of the cliff.

6. Where does Hornblower write a brief letter?
(a) On his linen shirt.
(b) On the flyleaf of a book.
(c) On the bark of a tree.
(d) On a scrap of paper.

7. What does Hornblower offer?
(a) To take care of the problem with the pirates.
(b) To go back and set explosives in the caves.
(c) To allow Hooper the use of the Clorinda.
(d) To sail up the coast and draw the pirates with him.

8. How does Johnson come across to Hornblower?
(a) As a wily fox.
(b) As formal and disapproving.
(c) As an illiterate and ignorant man, scarcely more than a savage idiot.
(d) As a very bright and articulate man.

9. How does Lucy Hough greet Hornblower?
(a) With disdain.
(b) Effusive and confused.
(c) With veiled hostility.
(d) With indifference.

10. What is the Helmond?
(a) A Dutch vessel aiding Ramsbottom in a blockade.
(b) A Dutch vessel captured by Ramsbottom.
(c) A German vessel captured by Ramsbottom.
(d) A German vessel aiding Ramsbottom in a blockade.

11. What do the pirates do?
(a) Kill Johnson.
(b) Say they will fight to the death.
(c) Fire on the messenger.
(d) Surrender.

12. Why won't any of the men take the letter to the governor?
(a) They think Johnson will double cross them.
(b) Too hard a walk.
(c) They think Johnson will tell the governor about the meeting between Lucy and Hornblower.
(d) Fear of imprisonment.

13. What does Hornblower do after lunch?
(a) Play cards with Johnson and his men.
(b) Meet with the governor.
(c) Sleep.
(d) Talk about politics with Spendlove.

14. What does Hooper flatly reject?
(a) Permission for Lucy to marry Spendlove.
(b) A rescue party.
(c) A visa for the Clorinda to stay in port longer.
(d) A pardon for the pirates.

15. What happens to the Helmond's artillery guns?
(a) They are offloaded several days earlier.
(b) They are still on the Helmond.
(c) They are given to the Spanish forces.
(d) They were sunk so the rebels could not use them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hornblower do on board the Helmond?

2. What is the name of Ramsbottom's yacht?

3. Where does Hornblower think he is?

4. Who does Hooper consider expendable?

5. How is Ramsbottom's vessel crewed?

(see the answer keys)

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