Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Final Test - Easy

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Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Mr. Hough?
(a) One of the midshipmen on the Clorinda.
(b) The secretary to the English diplomat in Jamaica.
(c) A wealthy local businessman and Jamaican planter.
(d) Hornblower's quartermaster.

2. Where is Hornblower taken when he returns?
(a) Straight to the governor's home.
(b) To Mr. Hough's home.
(c) To the Clorinda.
(d) To prison.

3. What does Hornblower spend his time doing during the next two weeks after the dinner with Ramsbottom?
(a) Recovering from malaria.
(b) Working through a pile of paperwork before leaving Jamaica.
(c) Recovering from yellow fever.
(d) Drilling his squadron on the open seas.

4. Who engages Hooper and Hornblower in animated conversation?
(a) The Portuguese ambassador.
(b) Dutch and Spanish ministers.
(c) The French ambassador.
(d) Ramsbottom.

5. Why is Governor Hooper outraged?
(a) Because the English conducted manuevers too close to shore and the sound of the gun scare the locals.
(b) Because Lucy Hough told her father that Hornsblower had agreed to marry her.
(c) Because Ramsbottom elopes with Lucy Hough.
(d) Because of English intervention in Venezuela.

6. How does Ramsbottom appear physically?
(a) He has lost an arm in combat.
(b) He is lying down and almost dead.
(c) He is unharmed.
(d) He has several minor sword slash wounds but that's all.

7. What does Hornblower find distasteful about the word millionaire?
(a) That so much importance is attached to one's financial status as to determine a person's worth for marriage.
(b) He has never heard the word before, so he has no reaction to it.
(c) The word being applied to an individual.
(d) The fact that some men have so much money.

8. Where does Hornblower decide to sail?
(a) To England.
(b) To Peru.
(c) Back to his home base.
(d) To Venezuela.

9. For what activity does Ramsbottom have a penchant?
(a) Yachting in the military style.
(b) Rugby.
(c) Polo.
(d) Hurley.

10. What is the implication of Ramsbottom's actions?
(a) There may be war declared between England and Spain.
(b) There may be war declared between the England and Holland.
(c) There may be war declared between the England and Germany.
(d) Bolívar's march will not be opposed by heavy guns.

11. What is the ending scene in Chapter 4?
(a) Hornblower fleeing to open seas followed by a Spanish frigate.
(b) Hornblower going ashore once more to see if he can find Ramsbottom.
(c) Hornblower receives another letter from his wife Barbara.
(d) The Clorinda offering aid to Ramsbottom.

12. Who does Hornblower believes shares a mutual attraction?
(a) Miss Hough and Mr. Sharpe.
(b) Spendlove and Miss Hower.
(c) Lucy Hough, about seventeen-years-old, and Spendlove.
(d) Lucy Hough and Captain Fell.

13. How is Ramsbottom's vessel crewed?
(a) Hessian mercenaries.
(b) Mostly older navy veterans.
(c) A number of navy deserters from various countries.
(d) Former pirates who forswear their former ways.

14. Who is Simón Bolívar?
(a) The President of Ecuador.
(b) The rebel leader in Puerto Rico.
(c) The President of Peru.
(d) A revolutionary general and leader.

15. Where does Hornblower think he is?
(a) Cockpit Country.
(b) San Juan.
(c) Pitfall County.
(d) Sunburst County.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Hornblower and Ramsbottom spend several evenings doing?

2. What do the circulars say that are dispatched to various authorities?

3. How is Ramsbottom's vessel armed?

4. To where does the Clorinda return?

5. How does Hornblower confound the foreign embassies and get them off his ship?

(see the answer keys)

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