Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Hornblower make an official state visit?
(a) At the government house in San Juan.
(b) At the Spanish embassy.
(c) At the French embassy.
(d) Aboard the Estrella del Sur.

2. What happens to the pintle?
(a) It hold fast.
(b) It slews the ship sideways.
(c) It is jerked out of the hull.
(d) It breaks in two.

3. How might the political situation between England and the United States be described?
(a) Friendly.
(b) Heated.
(c) Hostile.
(d) Delicate.

4. What does the governor tell Hornblower as he makes port?
(a) That Napoleon has died.
(b) The the Daring sinks with all hands lost.
(c) That Madam Cambronne is under the protection of the Americans.
(d) That Hornblower's wife's boat sank.

5. Why is San Juan problematic as far as the capture of Estrella del Sur?
(a) There are so many other Spanish vessels in port.
(b) It is a neutral port.
(c) It is not under English rule.
(d) It has declared itself against England.

6. Who follows the Estrella out of port?
(a) The Java and the Sutherland.
(b) The San Juan shore patrol.
(c) The Clorinda.
(d) A French frigate.

7. What would happen should Clorinda capture Estrella del Sur close to San Juan?
(a) The fort at San Juan may fire upon Clorinda.
(b) Fell would be declared a pirate.
(c) The action would be deemed a violation of the rules of engagement by England and official protests would ensue.
(d) Several other Spanish ships are liable to go to Estrella's aid.

8. To what is the cone affixed?
(a) A bollard on the Clorinda.
(b) The dock.
(c) An old, sunken ship.
(d) A length of chain.

9. What keeps the sea anchor bundled up until Estrella reaches top speed?
(a) A length of spun yarn.
(b) Paper wrapping.
(c) A length of wire.
(d) Two cotter pins.

10. Where does Hornblower attend a gala?
(a) At General Layfayette's estate.
(b) At Cambronne's estate.
(c) At Sharpe's estate.
(d) At the New Orleans officer club.

11. What is the name of the present flagship?
(a) The Java.
(b) The Leopard.
(c) The Crab.
(d) The Constitution.

12. How does Hornblower deliver the lie to Cambronne?
(a) Using his first mate.
(b) With a stony face and icy reserve.
(c) Through an intermediary.
(d) By signal flags.

13. What is one thing Sharp and Hornblower are discussing?
(a) The Boer Wars.
(b) The slave trade.
(c) The Louisiana Purchase.
(d) The Napoleonic Wars.

14. What happens after Spendlove follows Hornblower's orders?
(a) Fell relates the plan back to Hornblower.
(b) The bomb Spendlove plants fails to detonate.
(c) The warehouses along the docks accidentally catch fire.
(d) The Estrella refuses to allow Spendlove to board.

15. What concerns Hornblower about Cambronne's possible destination and purpose?
(a) It could liberate Barbados from English rule.
(b) It could upset the balance of power in the West Indies.
(c) It could embroil Europe in a round of costly bloodshed.
(d) It could cause Spain to declare war on France and England could be dragged into such action.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Hornblower see his future?

2. Who does Hornblower congratulate on the speed of his ship?

3. What does Hornblower order Spendlove to do?

4. What cargo does the Estreela del Sur often carry?

5. What occupies Clorinda's days?

(see the answer keys)

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