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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What has Mr. Burge offered Adam in Chapter 34?
2. With whose dairy management does Mr. Donnithorne say he has been unhappy for some time in Chapter 32?
3. Where is "Bony" said to have come back from in Chapter 33?
4. At what time does Mr. Iwrine arrive to greet Adam in the beginning of Chapter 41?
5. Where does the second driver take Hetty after she's left Stoniton in Chapter 36?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Mr. Massey go to Stoniton in Chapter 40?
2. What happens as Adam prepares to dance with Hetty in Chapter 26?
3. What does Sarah Stone say on the stand in Chapter 43?
4. How does Mrs. Poyser respond to the Old Squire Donnithorne's suggestions in Chapter 32?
5. How is the conflict between Adam and Arthur resolved in Chapter 28?
6. What does Adam discover when he reaches Dinah's home in Snowfield in Chapter 38? What does he do?
7. How long does it take Hetty to reach her destination in Chapter 36? What does she learn once she arrives?
8. What does Hetty request of Mr. Poyser in Chapter 31? Why? How does he respond?
9. Why does Adam angrily confront Arthur in Chapter 27?
10. With what is Hetty charged in court? What is the verdict?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Describe and discuss three examples of irony in Adam Bede. How does the author make use of dramatic irony in the novel? To what effect? How are verbal and situational irony employed? Why is irony important in the story?
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the style of dialogue in Adam Bede. With what dialect do the characters speak? How does the author use dialogue to delineate the different classes of the characters? How does the dialogue of the characters reflect upon their intelligence and morals?
Essay Topic 3
Analyze and discuss the character of Hetty Sorrel in Adam Bede. How old is Hetty when the novel opens? How is her appearance described? What are Hetty's primary motivations in the story? How does her character evolve?
This section contains 723 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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